Brain not fit for purpose: how to delete ? (darktable, you understand)

Been away from any form of computing for some weeks, back behind keyboard today to find dt 4.8 has been released. Thank you, devs, for a much appreciated gift. Sadly, my brain is still AWOL, so I can;t figure out how to delete my build of 4.6.1. - which I installled to /opt. Anybody patient enough to remind me how to do this?

People will need to know your operating system to advise you. Installing 4.8 on Windows you will be asked during install if you want to delete the previous version. So very easy on Windows.

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Since you mentioned /opt, I guess youā€™re on Linux. Assuming it is installed to /opt/darktable, simply deleting that folder should be enough:

sudo rm -rf /opt/darktable 
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You donā€™t have to delete the old version. You just have to make sure that whatever icon, menu entry or command line that you use to launch dt points to the new version.

If you are using your distroā€™s commands to install/upgrade to the new version, it should take care of everything. If you are installing an appimage, you will have to make adjustments yourself. If you are using snap, etcā€¦ than I am ignorant about those facilites.

AS stated, brain was/is AWOL - which is no real justification for lack of this key information. Fortunately my Windows install proceeded exactly as you stated while others with far more presence of mind than I have twigged that I was referring to my Linux install, so advised me appropriately.

This really is such a helpful and ā€˜to be relied uponā€™ web-presence, isnā€™t it?

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Iā€™m running Mint 23.3; my distroā€™s most recent version of dt is 3.8, so I can;t use Synaptic can I? Having built and install 4.2, 4.4, 4.6 myself in the past, I would go that way for 4.8 but time presses so I have chosen to install the appimage for the time being. Now I have to learn how to make those ā€˜adjustmentsā€™ of which you speak - which may just take more time than compiling from source!

I realise that I donā€™t need to uninstall 4.6.1, but itā€™s of no use to me now, the library having been updated to 4.8. I understand that update is about as reversible as removing the cream from a coffee (although I do have snapshots which I think have not been updated)

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Thanks for this. I almost tried this before deciding to seek the advice of smarter peopl on this forum. I convinced my self that it couldnā€™t be that obvious!

[quote=ā€œLateJunction, post:6, topic:44250ā€]
I can;t use Synaptic can I?[/quote]

My brain is not what it was on this things, to the point where Iā€™m ashamed to admit that I was once a Unix systems manager! After long years in which I lost interest in much of the techie thing, the abilities rusted.

But, this is my situation. I was on dt 4.6. I downloaded and installed the 4.7 ā€œ.debā€ file from here: Install package graphics:darktable:master / darktable and installed it. Synaptic knows about this, and wanted to ā€œupgradeā€ me back to 4.6, so I froze my version.

Looking at it now, synaptic is actually offering me an upgrade to 4.8 (The Master source is offering 4.9).

So, have you checked Synaptic? It just might offer you what you want!

IMHO, a synaptic install should override the earlier appimage, and put the right path in menus, etc. Check what happens when you run it from an icon or command line. Check what /usr/bin/darktable is or where it points.

Meā€¦ Iā€™m just confused whether to go to 4.8 or 4.9 next. My first time out of the ā€œstableā€ distribution. WD40 for my brain cells?

You also can just download the 4.8 as an AppImage. Create .desktop entry in /.local/share/applications. Logout and login back again and you should be ale to see the launcher icon for 4.8! If you need more detailed instructions let me know.

Do you have a prototype .desktop text file I could copy and amend? Having looked at some entries for other apps in .local/share/applications I realise I donā€™t understand what entries and options should exist in a .desktop file

Yes I have. See the attached screen shot: no sign of 4.8 here.

The url you pointed me to has, I believe, no connection whatsoever with Synaptic. It is the source I use on my ā€˜experimentalā€™ Linux install, where I install the odd-numbered version of dt (in this case 4.9) for the purposes of education and experimentation. I can tolerate the complete loss of the image portfolio on this system in the even there is a fatal regression in dt - of which I have experienced none since 2019.

In contrast I install only the even numbered releases of dt on my ā€˜productionā€™ linux install, where I take the greatest possible care to have my image and dt config portfolios always backed up. I find only 2 ways to install the latest even numbered dt on my ā€˜productionā€™ system (Mint 23.3): either AppImage or build from source. Synaptic does not offer me a version of dt that is appropriate.

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This forum is very useful and friendly. Some forums are less friendly. I check it every day. I learn a lot from this forum.

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Yes sure, I can send you the sample file tomorrow. But effectively you would need just three parameters in there. Exec, Name and Type.

Exec - path to your app image
Name - Whatever user friendly name you want for your application

Just ensure that appimage has execute permission.

Try that out and let me know how it goes.

not sure if you were able to achieve this but here is content of my .desktop file and you can use by changing the path of your appimage

Name=Darktable 4.8

True that synaptic does not know about it unless it finds out!

If you install from a .deb Synaptic will know of the installation. But, in my honestly-humble understanding, it will not (unlike a ppa) know about future releases.

I really donā€™t know why my synaptic is offering me 4.8, while yours is only offering 4.6

I have 4.7. Itā€™s working with no problems. Iā€™m not in a hurry to upgrade. But I suppose it would make sense to be on the stable 4.8 release.

Thanks for the advice - too busy today to implement it!

Not that good though: itā€™s offering only 3.8

Sadly, computer says no: no trace of a darktable in the menu - aside from the one I built using the menu editor before trying the ā€˜.desktopā€™ method. I created the .desktop file by following your earlier advice - ending up with a file that is almost identical to yours, aside from the ā€˜Execā€™ path. But my Mint install appears not to like it.

where did you put that file? It should go to /.local/share/applications , AppImage should be executable and also you need to logout and login back again to get that in effect. I use Fedora so not sure what mint does.

Yep, my system conforms to your advice. I even tried system restart as well as logout/login.

Where should I be looking for a launcher icon? I have assumed within the Graphics category, but itā€™s not there or indeed in the ā€˜all applicationsā€™ category under the Cinnamon Menu