Build issues with Darktable on Windows Anybody else??

Another unhandled exception. I’ve reinstalled my prior build. Working so far. I’ll file a bug report. See what they find.

Sorry I couldn’t help…I thought a fresh database might have helped when you tried a new directory although that may still use app data. Sometimes running with --configdir and specifying a path for the config will test for that

@priort I do appreciate your help. It will pay off eventually.

Well I hope you get it sorted…I find a lot of times the database file gets messed up. If you reinstall and then modify your shortcut to add the --configdir and then create an empty folder and use that as the path name for configdir so “emptyfolder” then DT creates a band new empty database and library file…If it runs fine this way…you can usually assume that you have an issue updating the database with a new build or it somehow got corrupted…its one think you can try it and its a quick and easy test…

The nightlies aren’t working and it’s my fault (or github CI…) they are not “ready” to be used unfortunately for some reason… we’ll have a look into it later on.

Btw, did also someone noticed big slowdown with these latest nightlies when using waveform instead of histogram?