2023-10-10_17-09-22_P1020016.RW2.xmp (19.4 KB)
Thanks for sharing, great fun
ART 1.18
I never shoot color, so these play things in color are a real challenge to me. I tend to go overboard on colors. And thus:
Someone commented that there is a lot of texture in the sky, but I chose to ignore that, being that this is a picture of a house with the sky as background as opposed to a picture of the sky with the house as foreground.
Edit: Darktable 4.4.2
You are welcome to play in monochrome, too! The subject could also be the sky against a silhouetted building and trees, too – some have taken that approach.
Yeah, I know.
Monochrome, I would focus on the lights in the window and the street … with some masks and selective adjustments.
Edit: Darktable 4.4.2
It definitely draws the eye to the window – someone’s home.
Actually thought of someone standing in the street below the window wondering what would be inside, something like The Exorcist poster or some other horror movie …
I kept getting white flowers on the trees with the raw so went with the jpg and did a quicky in gimp
Nice – but there are no flowers of any kind in the picture.
As you probably noticed, the LX7 does not embed a full-size JPG, only one limited to about 2000 pixels on the longer side.
Thanks for sharing.
My version of fun with it (4.5.0+787~gaf0975cca0):