To build Filmulator on Ubuntu, it shouldn’t be that difficult.
If you’re on Ubuntu 15.10, you can install Qt from the Ubuntu repositories, though I don’t know exactly which packages are preferable. I use the latest Qt from here on my own machine.
Then, you install libtiff, libgomp, libexiv2, libjpeg (on Ubuntu: libtiff5-dev, libgomp1, libexiv2-dev, libjpegturbo8-dev), and libraw.
LibRaw is best built from source: get them here, and make sure to include the GPL2 and GPL3 demosaic packs; they need the makefile to be edited to point at their directories.
Now for Filmulator itself: go to an open directory, and run git clone to get the Filmulator source.
Open Qt Creator, navigate to Filmulator’s .pro file, initialize the build configurations, and hit the green arrow at the bottom left to build and run it.
That’s really annoying for new users, so I really need to figure out how to package it…
This picture of my daughter and a horse has been difficult for me to process for quite a while. It’s the top left corner, it’s completely blown out. I’ve tried RawTherapee, Photivo, Darktable, Photoflow etc. They all work, but it’s a constant fight over light and dark global adjustments. With Lightroom, it’s pull down the Highlight slider - that’s it. Then I use your software. It’s pull down the Highlight slider - that’s it. You can also pull up shadows like Lightroom. My problems are the speed, it is a little slow. And, I wasn’t sure what was saving. I also had some color problems with Photivo. And, somebody really needs to package it. But this is it. This is what I’ve been looking for in a Lightroom equivalent009.CR2 (21.0 MB)
Glad you got it working. It was also not fast for me, but I think that’s because it is doing tone mapping every time you change something. Hopefully @CarVac will come back soon and tell us what is what!
Unfortunately, it’s only for Linux 64bit. Package for 16.10 is on the way.
I’m not sure about dependencies - in my case I was able to install Filmulator from given PPA without any problems. The only issue is with entry in menu (Mint 18.1) - can’t see any (there’s .desktop file in proper place). To solve this I run:
cd /usr/lib/filmulator-gui && /usr/lib/filmulator-gui/filmulator-gui
I’m glad to hear somebody likes it. Lovely photo, by the way.
@Dariusz_Duma: Thanks for packaging it. As for menu stuff, I still haven’t figured out how to get the .desktop file to install and work properly. If anyone has any tips, feel free to advise…
CA Correction and Highlight Recovery changes redo the entire pipeline.
Everything else above the second mini-histogram is about equivalent speed, they all redo the Filmulation tone mapping and the post-Filmulation tone curve.
Everything below the second mini-histogram is fast, they don’t need to redo the tone mapping.
With practice, you can make adjustments before the image has finished processing. I’ll wait for the first mini-histogram to update, and then tweak settings based on experience and what that histogram shows (mostly Highlight Recovery, Exposure Compensation, Drama, White Clipping Point, and Shadow Brightness).
I’m not sure where the Unknown Organization one comes from. It seems some of the components (file dialog) end up making that one. The ~/.config/Filmulator.conf one is the one I created. I’ll look into it.