Building Filmulator

Hello @CarVac et al. I have a somewhat similar issue…
I am trying to make a docker container (kd6kxr/filmulator) run filmulator, but I keep hitting the error:

Got keys from plugin meta data ("QSQLITE")

QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "/usr/lib/filmulator-gui/sqldrivers" ...

loaded library "/opt/local/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers/"

dbSetup old version: 9

Error: your root item has to be a Window

container is based on:

|Description:|Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS|

I have tried the suggestions above but it seems to not get the qml to open?
I think I am not setting the enough environment variables. If APPDIR is not set to anything the QtQuick stuff cannot be found.

So the APPDIR environment variable is there solely for AppImages; Filmulator appends /usr/qml/main.qml to the environment variable and looks for it there.

If you don’t have that, there are two more places it looks for the qml/filmulator-gui/ directory that holds all the QML source files:

  1. In the directory where the executable is
  2. In /usr/lib/filmulator-gui/.

See this code here.

For items 1 and 2 I am not able to get past the Error: your root item has to be a Window

I did utilize that APPDIR part to get the mac bundle to see the right place.
- qmlfile += "/usr/qml/main.qml";
+ qmlfile += "/Contents/Resources/qml/filmulator-gui/main.qml";
With APPDIR defined as ../.., the root of the bundle relative to the main executable in Contents/MacOS/

I just reduced lightness in RawTherapee, and all details on the blown out area can be confirmed to be lost. You would have to recreate the detail.

It’s recovered from the non-blown channels via highlight reconstruction.

Hi, I’m late to the party. Processed versions of @Jud_Johnson’s 009.CR2:

And, just for reference, the default rendering of PhotoNinja, a Windows/Mac raw editor:

Was there a filmulator output you intended to post, a filmulator build question, or just doing a play_raw?

Sorry, just a play_raw - others mentioned trying LightZone. I don’t use Filmulator regularly (I’m on a very old machine, where darktable’s OpenCL acceleration is a huge plus), but keep an eye on it and give it a spin every now and then.

thanks; btw you can embed your images that are hosted elswehere like this:


Are you using photo ninja in wine or something?

Yes, it’s running fine in Wine (I only have the trial, so have not tried exporting).