Hello @CarVac et al. I have a somewhat similar issue…
I am trying to make a docker container (kd6kxr/filmulator) run filmulator, but I keep hitting the error:
Got keys from plugin meta data ("QSQLITE")
QFactoryLoader::QFactoryLoader() checking directory path "/usr/lib/filmulator-gui/sqldrivers" ...
loaded library "/opt/local/Qt/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so"
dbSetup old version: 9
Error: your root item has to be a Window
I have tried the suggestions above but it seems to not get the qml to open?
I think I am not setting the enough environment variables. If APPDIR is not set to anything the QtQuick stuff cannot be found.
So the APPDIR environment variable is there solely for AppImages; Filmulator appends /usr/qml/main.qml to the environment variable and looks for it there.
If you don’t have that, there are two more places it looks for the qml/filmulator-gui/ directory that holds all the QML source files:
For items 1 and 2 I am not able to get past the Error: your root item has to be a Window
I did utilize that APPDIR part to get the mac bundle to see the right place. - qmlfile += "/usr/qml/main.qml"; + qmlfile += "/Contents/Resources/qml/filmulator-gui/main.qml";
With APPDIR defined as ../.., the root of the bundle relative to the main executable in Contents/MacOS/
Sorry, just a play_raw - others mentioned trying LightZone. I don’t use Filmulator regularly (I’m on a very old machine, where darktable’s OpenCL acceleration is a huge plus), but keep an eye on it and give it a spin every now and then.