Building from scratch on Ubuntu


My name ist Matt. I am a software developer, and I would like to fix a few crashes in Natron. I am good at fixing things, but I seem to be really bad at installing and building from source.

Can anyone give me step by step instructions on how to build Natron? Thanks.

So I read and figured, the first proposed install method was the preferred one:

I installed Ubuntu 14.04 from scratch, as it was mentioned a few lines down, then:

sudo mkdir /opt/Natron-sdk
chown matt /opt/Natron-sdk
sudo chown matt /opt/Natron-sdk
sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd utils/jenkins/

I get:

Warning: OSMesa cannot be found in /opt/Natron-sdk/osmesa or /opt/osmesa
Info: Setting OSMESA_PATH=/opt/Natron-sdk/osmesa
Warning: LLVM cannot be found in /opt/Natron-sdk/llvm or /opt/llvm
Info: Setting LLVM_PATH=/opt/Natron-sdk/llvm
Warning: Qt cannot be found in /opt/Natron-sdk or /opt/Natron-sdk/qt4
Info: setting QTDIR=/opt/Natron-sdk/qt4
Error: g++ not available
Error: build cannot proceed, exiting.

Going the other path:

cd tools/travis/
sudo apt-get install python-pyside
sudo apt-get install libpyside-dev

I get a lot further (if I manually install PySide), but the script end up calling make and fails:

qmake -r -spec unsupported/linux-clang 'CONFIG+=nopch c++11 debug disable-breakpad silent'

giving me the make help text (obviously not finding a make configuration). Running make in …/Natron does not work either.

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Hi @matthiasm!

a) Isn’t Ubuntu 14.04 terribly, terribly old?

b) use duckduckgo and search for ubuntu natron and you will get quite a few hits.

@matthiasm you should try with the latest Ubuntu.

The first method should give you a fully functional Natron, it will build each dependency with the required version. We use it to build Natron on CentOS6 with DTS8, and there is a docker image available here with everything pre-built: Docker Hub (this image is used to make the official builds)
The build-Linux-sdk script should work on Ubuntu, you should try to find why it doesn’t find a g++. Did you apt install build-essentials?

The second uses pakages from ubuntu (preferably Bionic 18.04), and that’s the method used for the travis-ci builds: Travis CI - Test and Deploy Your Code with Confidence

Last time I built it on Ubuntu with the docker method and it worked, see this thread here: