Bump map doesn't show up [solved]


when I tried to apply ‘Filter > Light and Shadows > Lighting Effects’ in Gimp 2.10.18 today, the bump map didn’t show up. This happened never before, and I have no clue what’s going on here. Only the top layer is displayed in the filter dialogue. Does someone else have this issue? What can I do to fix it? I’m using Ubuntu MATE 22.04. I ran Gimp from a shell, to see if there is an error message, but there wasn’t one.



Bump map in is the Filters map submenu.

In Filter > Light and Shadows > Lighting Effects the bump map is a tab.

Can you show a screenshot?

Make sure everything is the same size as the canvas
The other ‘snag’ is the bump map needs to be the top layer.

Here’s a screenshot:


P. S.: The layers are all the same size. I didn’t have this issue until today.

I would really check this because of all the tests I have done, this seems to be the only thing that makes the layer not appear in the bump map list.

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+1 with @Ofnuts

Indeed, I did the test as well, and if the layer is not at the canvas size, it does not appear, even the saved channel from that layer before to be cropped to content does not appear.

I can only repeat: The layers are all the same size. I wonder what’s the matter here. Could it be that something on my PC is broken??? Nonetheless thanks to all who responded.


Not Gimp. Did you try setting the layers to the canvas size ? Guarantees all layers are equal.

This is Gimp 2.10.18 and the bumpmap is one pixel larger than the layer under.


Otherwise can you post your .xcf file on maybe dropbox.

Now it works again. :slight_smile: I guess, the problem was that I cropped the first layer. Here’s the file: https://res.cloudinary.com/dxaodmaf4/raw/upload/v1679938763/bump_map_test_vbnvhf.xcf.


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