Calibrating my monitor on Linux

All of them are called Display, but as you can see there’s the “regular”, Pro and Plus. Regular = Colormunki. Pro and Plus have better hardware.

DisplayCAL doesn’t make any use of it. The idea is that the monitor’s brightness can be automatically adjusted based on ambient light.

Thanks a lot. I’ll contact calibrite to inquire about the sl hardware and I’ll proceed depending on that.

Might be some nuggets here I took a quick look. Just got this in my email news feed today…

The old Spyders till 5 i think have no plastic filters but organic ones. And these are sensitiv to light, in special sun light, and air humidity. I have already secreted several Pantone Hueys and Spyder and fear my Spyder 5 could now have differences due to its age. Even if this is better protected.

At the next purchase I will also invest a little more money for a better device.

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