call for support: Darktable 3.6 changes colors of RAW files significantly

‘original’ is the ‘unprocessed’ image. You can check in your camera’s raw development features that there are a number of ‘looks’ (e.g. landscape, portrait etc.) that can be applied. What your camera and Capture NX show is already a processed version.

OpenCL: darktable 3.6 user manual - opencl

NZ6_1711_01.NEF.xmp (6.1 KB)

  • raised exposure (step #10 in history)
  • auto-tuned filmic (#11)
  • enabled color balance rgb with the preset add basic colorfulness (#12)
  • enabled local contrast with the default settings (#13)

You can load the XMP file using the load sidecar file command (darktable 3.6 user manual - history stackload sidecar file).

BTW, your XMP showed some weird setting for color calibration; I just reset it to as-shot.


Hi Kofa

thx for this excellent hint - i was not aware of the fact, that Capture NX and Studio NX is already processing before I even have started to process

Wow - Looks much better

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Well, it’s called a raw file for a reason :wink:
Read Eek! My Raw Photo Looks Different than the Camera JPEG

You bought an expensive camera to get exactly this: access to the raw data to bring out something the in camera jpg processor doesnt give.


If you check out the Play Raw category here, you’ll see in how many different ways a photo can be developed – often completely altering the mood.

I also enjoy @s7habo’s ‘Editing moments with darktable’ series, for example here is the latest instalment:

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I think the true question here is: what makes you believe NX Studio holds some kind of ground truth ?

Because it does not. Every software has its own interpretation of the non-image that is a raw photograph.


Don’t be the grumpy old wizard :slight_smile: @Chris2205 simply didn’t know what a raw file was, but that misunderstanding has been cleared above. Everyone has to get started somewhere.


Maybe a question on the side.

Maybe this is the default rendering of darktable (since yes, no raw converters are the same. Some try to get close to what the camera does, some do not bother :))…

… but maybe something is wrong in the settings here. Giving your raw makes sure we can compare to how it looks out of the box on our end.

As a hint, in a modern workflow, if white balance module is set to “camera reference” than the ‘color calibration’ module must be enabled (and in one of the Illuminant settings is a "as camera shot’.

This should be the default but maybe something went wrong there.
If color calibration is disabled, white balance must be set to something ‘real’ :).

I’m guessing here, but the way the white balance looks of, reminds me when white balance is set to camera reference without enabling color calibration :).

sigh again I only see a small discussion and start a reply and then 25 other replies appear. Kofa already gave an answer and came to the same - or a better - conclusion :s.

With respect for the expertise here, I found your “Eek!..” article helpful but I actually like most of my camera’s JPEG profiles and do save a RAW+JPEG or Fine+RAW (as the setting is called in my camera). If I desire a particular JPEG version and save in just RAW, then the camera is not going to embed the JPEG version I want. Is it? And if it’s not, then have I wasted space saving what I want? Perhaps it’s time to re-read my manual.

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If I’m using RAW=+JPEG, my Nikon cameras will make the embedded JPEGs and the +JPEG with the same Picture Controls. Same render.

Now, check your image sizes, as I’m not sure embedded preview JPEGs are the same image resolution, (width, height) as the saved JPEG file. That might make a difference in your decision.


$ dcraw -e filename.CR2

or in Windows with dcraw.exe in the same folder as your raw file:

dcraw.exe -e filename.CR2

Starting point with default settings
ART (let it use AM film curve)

DT color preservation

DT no color preservation

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Your idea regarding color calibration helped a lot - thx for that.
Is in dt a possibility to set “as camera shot” as default. The default setting seems do by “daylight”

If you use the modern wb in preferences then it reads your exif data and extracts WB info. I think at least for me initially you are on as shot. It will show daylight as the illuminant (in many cases or if non daylight it will show custom) but if you change to as shot it wont change the WB …

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Like priort says, if your workflow is set to ‘modern’ color, new pictures should get the white balance module enabled and set to ‘camera reference’, and have the color calibration module enabled to a ‘set as shot’ setting, giving you a as-shot starting point.

Pleas note that a module can be ‘reset’, and can be reset to ‘auto defaults’. So if you mess around and reset the color calibration, there is a chance that ‘reset’ will not get you back to the starting point, but ‘reset auto defaults’ will. Also, you can use the history list to go back.

Somewhere in the settings is an option for ‘display referred’ or ‘scene referred’. Underneath that is an option for ‘modern color workflow’ or something similar.

I recommend using it, but remember to leave the old white balance module set to ‘camera reference’ and then use the color calibration module for white balance duties.

So ik guessing you used an old xmp file / setting / style for a picture, or you accidentally reset the color calibration completely to defaults, removing the ‘as shot’ default mode.

Note that as shot in camera and daylight can represent the same values:
Set to as shot in camera:

After resetting the module (sets D daylight):

It’s still a D (daylight) illuminant with 4020 K.
Switching to custom after the reset (which set daylight):

Switching to custom after setting as shot in camera:

Interestingly, there’s a tiny change in the histogram between as shot in camera and reset to daylight:

Overlaid in the Gimp with difference blending (and then stretching the histogram):

Or zoomed in:

I found the same but in the image I tested it was noted when going from the initial setting of daylight as determined when the module was activated to as shot. Then after that toggling back and forth between them there was no change triggered…