Call for testing: RawTherapee 5.4-rc3

Yes now Metadata works normally in compressed tiff!:smiley:


When is this round closing? I won’t be able to test until the weekend. Thanks!

Black and White conversion produces unexpected results sometimes. It is less intuitive and less usable compared with 5.3 imho.

Devs and anyone, what, if anything, has changed please? There’s no mention of B&W conversion in the release notes in “About”.


did you file a bug report on github already? If not, can you please do that? Thanks!

In January there was this update to black-and-white:

I compare B/W conversion with the official 5.3 version.

@viv How to write useful bug reports - RawPedia

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I am not sure that it is a bug, but sometimes if I use “channel mixer” tool in B/W conversion tab, image does not change at all while I move RGB sliders and then changes abruptly.
Maybe algorithm of B/W was changed since 5.3 and I need to read documentation again.

By testing RT 5.4 rc3 I scrolled through older jpg-files in a couple of directories and had a close look in a few of them (RT file manager - open a file, file manager - change directory - open a file …). After a few minutes RT got frozen. This result was repeatable.
Attemps to get a debug-file were not successful because gdb also seemed to be frozen (no further command could be entered after RT got frozen). By working with raw-files I couldn’t find any problem.
By the way: many thanks to all actives for doing a really great job!

Greetings Heinrich

I am not aware of any intentional change. If you can, please file a bug report with an example of the differences between the behaviour of 5.3 and the current one. Thanks!

There is a sudden jump with channel mixer when the 3 sliders (not the gamma ones) add up to zero and then you go to -1. I think it has done this for quite a while. I once thought it a bug but now regard it as a feature! and Rawpedia refers to getting creative IIRC. I like channel mixer.

The January change says speedup (and involves going 32bit??) so presumably not a functional change.

I checked the change: It’s fine. I also tried to reproduce the problem based on the sparse information we have, but could not reproduce.

Which OS? How’s the CPU load when “frozen”?

@ Flösie: OS is win64 and CPU load was low, about 1 to 2 %.

I could reproduce, but after deleting the cache, it seems ok.
To be confirmed


I’ve noticed a difference in how the Noise reduction (more precisely Median Filter) works in 5.4-RC3.
In 5.3 the effect of Median Filter depended on Luminance Detail setting IF the Median filter was used in Luminance only mode (but not if used in RGB mode).
In 5.4-RC3 the effect of Median Filter do not depend on Luminance Detail setting (no matter how Median method i use). Is this intentional?
Thank you, and exceptional work by the way.

@mipopa yes, the median filter is independent.

Thank you.
So, this was an bug in 5.3?

Yes, as well as in older versions: Noise Reduction median filter in L*a*b* mode seems to have no effect · Issue #4208 · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub