Call for testing: RawTherapee 5.4-rc3

We are very close to releasing RawTherapee 5.4. You can help with the last step.


Here are builds of RawTherapee 5.4-rc3. These are not the final builds yet, but they might become the final ones if everything works well. “rc3” means “release candidate 3” - they are candidates for a final release if they perform well. Else they get shot.

  • Download for Windows (clean)
  • Download for macOS (clean)
  • Linux, several options:
    • Check your package manager as described on our Downloads page,
    • Or use an AppImage (clean)
    • Or compile 5.4-rc3 yourself by following this simple guide. If you follow the automatic way, then after running the script the source code is cloned into ~/programs/code-rawtherapee, so you should:
      cd ~/programs/code-rawtherapee
      git checkout 5.4-rc3
      ~/scripts/build-rawtherapee -b
      Or if you follow the manual way, then in the “Choose a branch” step do git checkout 5.4-rc3, then compile.

Get it, run it, test it, and if you find a bug, report it!

This is also the last chance to update the interface translation in your language - see here for info on how to do that: Localization - How To Translate RawTherapee and RawPedia


WIN10, Version:1709
RT from @gaaned92’s site

In the file browser when rotating raws (in my case .rw2 Files from a panasonic lx100) I either get spontaneous shut down of RT, or, most of the times, I get the following:

After selecting another image the rotation is shown just fine.

@McCap @Morgan_Hardwood I’ve had this kind of issue without crash. It might be related to rounding error of the precalculated thumbnail width vs. the effective thumbnail width (if started with -w, you should see an error in the console).

I never had this kind of issue, maybe because I set max thumb height to 120…

I’ve just tried the out-of-gamut feature in RC3. I was thinking it might have changed from RC2, but it hasn’t. Re. this -
@agriggio, any chance please you could have a look?

For Mac Users:

There are some known mac issues, for instance:

  • key shortcut problems

  • a crash if you try to process a queue with a file pathname containing characters like ü ö and the Language & Region is set to something like English/Germany (instead of English/United Kingdom, or English/United States)

  • CMakeLists.txt needs to be updated for mac due to ar and ranlib settings.

this is all handled by LCMS. I think it’s due to the intermediate conversions that might push some colors on the edge of srgb just a bit oog. if you give me a picture to test – preferably through a proper bug report – I’ll check if this is the case…

I updated the first post with download links to builds.

@McCap those untuned-television-set thumbnails are an old issue and rare. Never heard of them crashing RT.

@RawConvert @McCap and everyone, please file bug reports in GitHub with steps to reproduce, test files, your options file, and stack backtraces where relevant: How to write useful bug reports - RawPedia

Can somebody explain why I cannot build WITH_LTO=ON on MSYS2?
Is there somewhere a ticket open for this bug?
ar version 2.30

@gaaned92 you’d need to show the full build log with all CMake options.

@agriggio, @Morgan_Hardwood, I’ve created bug report 4438,
Hope this helps.

In the rc2 thread, I have reported (Windows only) problems with non-ascii characters in the Exif.UserComment tag. It was fixed soon, still in rc2, but I have never confirmed this (being occupied and such). To redeem myself, I have now tested it again (rc3), also with the Russian Cyrillic, that I can read only very slowly, and it seems to be still fixed, working well. Sorry for the delay. Thank you!

1 Like

Where get I get info about new features in this version?

Upon opening I get this screen, which I believe is prompting for each image because it kept prompting even when I hit ok.

@dellaaa this thread is about RawTherapee 5.4-rc3, not 5.3-166.

W10 flto

Build parameters

Version: 5.3-681-g2e9dc1144
Branch: dev
Commit: 2e9dc1144
Commit date: 2018-03-12
Compiler: gcc 7.3.0
Processor: generic x86
System: Windows
Bit depth: 64 bits
Gtkmm: V3.22.0
Lensfun: V0.3.2.0
Build type: release
Build flags:  -m64 -mwin32 -mthreads -Wno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -std=c++11 -mtune=generic -Werror=unused-label -flto -fopenmp -Werror=unknown-pragmas -Wall -Wno-unused-result -Wno-deprecated-declarations  -DNDEBUG  -O3
Link flags: -m64 -mthreads  -static-libgcc   -mtune=generic -flto  -s -O3 -fno-use-linker-plugin
OpenMP support: ON
MMAP support: ON

part of Build log

  [  4%] Linking CXX static library librtexif.a
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ar.exe: CMakeFiles/rtexif.dir/ plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
C:/msys64/mingw64/bin/ranlib.exe: librtexif.a( plugin needed to handle lto object
[  4%] Built target rtexif

The plugins seem correctly located by cmake:

CMakeCache.txt (64.8 KB)

Yes now Metadata works normally in compressed tiff!:smiley:


When is this round closing? I won’t be able to test until the weekend. Thanks!

Black and White conversion produces unexpected results sometimes. It is less intuitive and less usable compared with 5.3 imho.

Devs and anyone, what, if anything, has changed please? There’s no mention of B&W conversion in the release notes in “About”.