Camera profile tone curve into curve editor

Hello. Is it possible to get tone curve from DCP profile into curve editor so there is a chance to adjust it a bit? Thanks

Not currently, and I also don’t think there is much need for that. It is supposed to be very easy to use the existing two tone curves to have all the tonal flexibility you want.

Edit: welcome to the community! If you want, please indicate why this feature would be very useful for you.

Afaik, for the dcp profiles shipped with RT, the embedded tone curve always is the same. And it’s also the same as the tone curve which is included in the Standard Filme Curve bundled profiles.

but once tone curve made it’s magic - some tones are squashed already… so I would like to disable it and copy into editor, where I can adjust it. Or even better - there could be a built-in editor right under the checkbox. I don’t know any editor with such feature, but I can bet it is cool to have :slight_smile:

I’m using my own DCPs :slight_smile:

Made using which software?

To elaborate a bit more on this topic:

If I am not totally wrong, when using dcamprof to create a dcp, the tone curve always is the same A****e Standard Tone curve.

That may be different, in case you use a different tool to create the dcp

You can embed whatever tone curve you want with dcamprof. The problem is that the curve is stored (afaik) as a look-up table, so editing it will be painful, as you will need to move hundreds (I don’t remember the lut resolution, but it’s at least hundreds) of points. You can try to be clever and reduce the number of points shown in the editor, but this kind of logic is not there in RT at the moment (there’s something in the auto-matched curve, but the constraints are different, so it won’t be immediately usable should anyone want to implement this…)