Can G'MIC do those kind of textures?

Wow nice video, and it opened my mind as well.
I didn’t thought that it was acrylic pouring pictures, I thought it was a software made, now I understand.
Thanks a lot @Reptorian

Reminds me of the old days when I played with CorelDRAW texture generation.

Marbled endpapers was once the mark of quality books - a tricky process that couldn’t be rushed. Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh has a nice blog entry on the genuine and the knock-offs. Downmarket, craftsmen would marble to lithographic stone and print end-papers from those. Not as classy, but still the shapes flow and endlessly fascinate.

I did found a way to do it with GIMP, it’s not perfect, though, but I’ve only scratched the tip of the iceberg , may be it can helps G’MIC to “script” this?..
It’s this video(below) which helps me

Instead of generating noise clouds, I did it directly with a colored gradient (gradient tool first then the warp transform tool), then you can play with curves or not, depending what you want.

Below is a very-quick example (made in just 5 seconds, gradient then warp tool), to let you see what can be done.

This is the gradient I’ve used (original from GIMP)


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That’s a very simplified way of going by it. I do think it’s easier to just stick with GIMP tool than to make that.

Indeed, you’re absolutely right, I was just thinking for those who does not know how to do this, and it seems that there are a lot of people not knowing this very simple technique :wink:

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Gimp warp tool swirls of -plasma, -noise_perlin or -turbulence, perhaps emulated in the G’MIC realm through an animated two-channel vector field, the likes of which -gradient produces and which -warp realizes, gets - I think - about a first order approximation to what Pawel Czerwinski or Nicky James Burch achieve with physical paint. i don’t wish to discourage. There is a lot of room for fun in the first order approximations of many things. One need not iterate a patch of the Mandelbrot set a thousand times to get a hint of beauty that thirty iterations reveal. If those thirty iterations convey a contentment, that is its own reward. However, @Reptorian has a point. In short order, one will be reaching for larger pixel dimensions and greater numbers of blends across wider varieties of blending functions to grasp at the subtler effects the physical processes reach on the first go. Watch out for those will-o’-the-wisps - they lead to enchanting, but devilish places.

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Just correcting the link .html, not .shtm :wink:

thanks a lot for your post, very interesting, and I don’t even speak about your link → I put it in my bookmark, you’ve opened my eyes, ribbons, clothes and so are waiting for me now :+1:

Just an intuition, needs probably more work:

foo : skip ${1=50},${2=150}

  # Create random gradient.
  $1,1,1,5,"[ u(500),u(500), u(255),u(255),u(255) ]"
  rbf. 500,500 n. 0,255 equalize. 256

  # Create random deformation.
  $2,1,1,4,"[ u(500),u(500),u(500),u(500) ]"
  rbf. 500,500
  warp.. .

Then, try several values for first and second arguments.


That could go on the banner beneath G’MIC’s hypothetical coat of arms. :upside_down_face:

Here, I was thinking of finding a formula that takes into account of gravity, micro-shift within flowfield, pouring behavior, fluid compression.

That route by @David_Tschumperle seem more doable.

@grosgood marbeled papers are in German “Kleisterpapier” a method widely used in book binding and not to forget a method for often artistic home made papers. In alternative schools e.g. Waldorf, students are trained to produce books during manual training lessons. I have some books from my kids! I don’t find an English equivalent: Kleisterpapier – Wikipedia. May be the examples give some new ideas for the gmic computer artists!

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Perhaps my nose is too much in my tutorial, at present, but nonetheless hasten to add that any two channels of these color fields can be normalized and the 2-vectors regarded as sines and cosines of orientation angles. This permits the drawing of vector art via polygon() that align with the flow patterns, this either as a final result or as an intermediary for other blending. For example, one could draw “paint up-welling ellipses” that align along the contour lines of closely related hues. Such could emulate some of the mottling seen with the physical paint. Enjoy the hunt!

Thank you for the link!

Closest Wikipedia article (in English) is Paper Marbling, with a German analogue: Marmorpapier. A side-by-side reading is interesting, as the two go into different details.

Thank you Garry for the addition, really interesting the Japanese method. I’m quite curious what the computer artists might design, possibly an algorithmic Suminagashi ?

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Some (many) years ago, visiting turkey, in central turkey I went in a workshop of Ebru art. It was really mind-blowing to see all the different textures and also paintings they were able to make.

My brother who made book bindings as a hobby, used to buy “papier à la cuve” in Firenze. I remember it was quite expensive.
Those techniques are quite different from acrilyc pouring or epoxy pouring

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There is " for free or how about 5.00 €" software called “Verve Painter”. Only for Windows. But it can do exactly what is asked here. Maybe interesting to take a look at? You must have a very good video card for this, (or) it turns your computer into a toaster.

He has also a webapp: Vervette Fluid Sandbox v1.6

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@David_Tschumperle @afre @grosgood
I found something in G’MIC about these textures, [Colors>Metallic Look], play with the smoothness slider… Can this help?

You could fork that and see how you can improve it.

I’m no programmer, when I “read” your topics like this one below, it looks like an alien language… Better for me to look at the images :smirk:

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