Cannot achieve pure, accurate monochrome printing Scribus PDF.

In the process of printing my photo book, I’ve noticed the prints come out with the slightest of blue-ish, green-ish tint. That’s when choosing Auto-colour in the print properties before sending the job to the printer. Using the Grayscale option instead, the prints come out with a tremendously increased contrast. Blacks are really black and crushed, highlights are burned and clipped, with little to nothing in terms of shadow detail.

My document is a color manged exported PDF out of Scribus and I am working on a calibrated display.

Any specific export settings in Scribus I should be aware of in order to achieve pure and accurate black and white prints? Maybe some tips I can give the guys at the print shop?

FWIW, the printer is a Konica Minolta AccurioPress C2060.

Sounds like a typical mismatch between your setup
and the printer profile. And/or paper gamut :frowning:
What kind of paper are you using?

Ref myself, five years ago: Having fun (?) with printing profiles -- paper/gamut comparisons...

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

I think it’s a semi-glossy 150g/m².

I have just read the specs of that machine,
and noted that it can be operated in sRGB
as well as in CMYK mode.

Ask the print shop what printer profile they plan
to use for your job, then ask them to send it to you
(so that you can softproof against it).

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Googling this model it seems like it’s an office laser printer instead of a dedicated photo printer? Maybe this could be the issue and not with the files themselves?

I stumbled upon this as I was investigating if it uses dyes or pigment, afaik some dyes with a few papers can cause color shifts in B&W.