Canon bad pixel surpression at high ISO

When I took some dark frames I found that a lot of bad pixels disappeared at high ISO and without Long exposure noise reduction turned on.

With 6D and M5 it is at ISO 6400. With R6 and probably R3, at ISO 12800. No such feature with 7D.

Sample free to use 6D

I found that, at least for 6D, the bad pixels left at ISO 6400 had been in pairs at ISO 3200.

Do all Canon models from 6D and further have this feature?

I am not really answering or addressing your posted question, but the hot pixels module in Darktable is brilliant at finding and fixing hot pixels (bad pixels) in any image from any camera. This Darktable module saves a lot of grief for photographers.

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The hot pixel module is great. If there is one feature I miss it is a bad pixel map like RawTherapee. Worked very well for a camera sensor hit by laser