Canon G7X MK II Built in lens Profile Rawtherapee


obviously the RAW Format of my Canon G7X MKII has built in lens Profile. How can I use that in Rawtherapee? Or does anyone have a LCP File for me?


Click the “Auto-distortion correction” button:

Thanks for your quick response.
First of all: obviously there is no Auto-Distortion for my camera
I installed DNG converter and there was a DCP Profile for the G7x II but no LCP Profile
Then i tried to create a LCP Profile by myself with Adobe Lens profile creator. But even this did not work …

Other Programs like the Canon Program and Light room have auto Distortion for G7X where is the problem with Raw Therapee?

I was able to create a LCP Profile but it did not correct the distortion within Rawtherapee

Nobody as done it for RT. It isn’t a “problem”-- someone just needs to do it and then all G7X users will benefit.

I don’t like that word.

Provide a sample raw file using and describe the problem better. “Doesn’t work” doesn’t tell us much.

I just tried using the button Morgan showed in his screenshot. And yes, the distortion is gone … I assume you are using an outdated version. I use version 4.2.1464

I am using OS X 4.2.1408, the lates version I could get and the button doe not exist

Sorry, I have tested it once again and it seems to work now. I do not know what was wrong with me …many thanks for your help