Can't install new G'MIC with GDebi


Today I downloaded the .deb for Ubuntu(-MATE) 20.04 over there → G'MIC - GREYC's Magic for Image Computing: A Full-Featured Open-Source Framework for Image Processing - Download
to update my old local G’MIC (v 2.9.2), but when GDebi opens it told me that “the new package (2.9.6) is older than the one already installed (2.9.2)” and refuses to install it.

So I open the terminal and force to install the new version via CL
sudo dpkg --force-all -i gmic_2.9.6_ubuntu_focal_amd64.deb
Install was fine and G’MIC works great but now I have the software updater which always want to re-install the older package

which is a bit annoying and for sure one day I will forgot to uncheck g’mic when I will have a long list of updates.

Is it Ubuntu? is it a bug in the .deb package on the G’MIC’s website, something like wrong headers in the package or something alike?

Any suggestion/help?

My suggestion is not to mix the package from the official repository (here, the v.2.9.2) and from external .deb packages (here, 2.9.6 coming from the website).
Then, I would suggest to:

  1. Uninstall all the gmic-related packages, so you are sure the system won’t try to update it each time.
  2. Install the .deb package corresponding to the 2.9.6 version. As it is a ‘one-shot’ install, the system won’t try to update it afterwards (as it doesn’t have an update source).

This will also avoid dealing with the different flavors of the G’MIC interfaces that are packaged in Ubuntu with different packages. The .deb package from our website contains all the interfaces at once.

Thanks a lot for your answer,

I might need a bit of help about that :pensive: as I’m not a terminal hero (I did read terminal zero to hero few years ago, but my level is still around 0.5 )

How I do that?
I did try sudo apt remove gimp and also with autoremove apt want to remove flowblade as well.

Anyway I did autoremove and strange things happened, in GIMP the G’MIC older version (v2.9.2) was still here and working replacing the newer version I did install before, even though there were no more gmic in /usr/bin/

and this time when I install the newer version (from G’MIC website) via GDebi it just told me than a later version is available in the software channel, but this time it let me install it

Once installed, Still the software updater pops-up to ask me to update to a lower version…

I’ve a question, How my system can be confused by 2.9.2 being a bigger number that 2.9.6 ?
and following your suggestion, how can I remove properly all G’MIC things?

In all cases thanks a lot for your advices