Can't select any presets for any module


I just upgraded to Darktable 5.0 from 4.8:

darktable 5.0.0
Copyright (C) 2012-2024 Johannes Hanika and other contributors.

Compile options:
  Bit depth              -> 64 bit
  Debug                  -> DISABLED
  SSE2 optimizations     -> ENABLED
  OpenMP                 -> ENABLED
  OpenCL                 -> ENABLED
  Lua                    -> ENABLED  - API version 9.4.0
  Colord                 -> ENABLED
  gPhoto2                -> ENABLED
  GMIC                   -> ENABLED  - Compressed LUTs are supported
  GraphicsMagick         -> ENABLED
  ImageMagick            -> DISABLED
  libavif                -> ENABLED
  libheif                -> DISABLED
  libjxl                 -> DISABLED
  LibRaw                 -> ENABLED  - Version 0.22.0-Devel202403
  OpenJPEG               -> ENABLED
  OpenEXR                -> ENABLED
  WebP                   -> ENABLED

OS Information:


And for some reason, I can no longer select presets for any modules.

For example if I pull an image into Darktable, if I select the color balance rgb module, and select the hamburger menu, and select a preset, NOTHING changes - no sliders move, and - unlike in 4.8 - no check mark shows up next to the preset that I selected (which makes sense since its not acting selected).

What am i missing?

Things I’ve done so far:

  • tried several different modules, and several different presets. No luck.
  • moved the .config/darktable directory out of the way to ensure my config is not the culprit. I restarted darktable, and it created a new database, etc. But still - i am unable to select presets on any module.

Anyone have any thoughts?

  • Thanks,


Hey @Todd_Seidenberg welcome!

Is this a flatpak? Self compiled? Obs repo? How did you get dt?

Hello! I grabbed it via the apt repos.

APT-Sources: jammy/main amd64 Packages

Also - i just attempted to create my own preset - the preset was saved, but again, i can’t apply it.

Note that if I manually move the sliders, they work just fine. Its just the presets that aren’t able to be selected

Ah I have no clue about that repo.

It’s a repo that comes with pop!_os and it’s the repo from where I’ve installed darktable/upgraded it in the past.

Are there any suggestions for what I might do to get presets to behave?

It comes with pop_os? That’s an interesting choice.

  1. Start darktable from the terminal: darktable -d common,
  2. Try and trigger a preset.
  3. Paste the terminal output here.

The output is too big to paste here. So I’ve included it as an attachment

darktable.out.gz (13.6 KB)

Also - should the preset config look like this:

looks like there aren’t any presets actually set (except the one that I created called foo)

What if you backup data.db and then delete it and restart DT…

just did a

mv ~/.config/darktable/data.db ~/config/darktable/data.db.`date +%Y%m%d`

And then restarted - i saw it importing all the styles in the messages from the command line.

But the same situation exists.


Even if select one of those presets, no sliders move, and when I go back into the preset menu, nothing is selected

% is a wildcard (matches anything). The small lock indicates built-in, non-editable presets. What you see is completely normal.

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I’ve installed, and presets worked fine (update: only tried one: magic lantern defaults for exposure I’ve since tried more, they all worked fine).

Well! I figured it out. It turns out that I never actually restarted my laptop after upgrading. Doing so fixed all of my issues!

It just occurred to me that if no one was experiencing the same issue as myself, that it was likely a display issue. And while I had restarted my session, that doesn’t restart the display. So I rebooted the box, which restarted the display, and then BOOM! It all worked.

Thanks for your patience, everybody!

  • Todd

Nice! Enjoy and happy holidays

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I’ve just encountered the same presets issue. I’ve never had this issue before, but just had it with the new 5.0 on Windows 10. I have been using the new release without problems for several weeks, but then suddenly I couldn’t get any presets to register a mouse click. Closing and restarting the Darktable did not work, but restarting my PC did. Looks like we have a bug somewhere but I can’t submit a report until I can reproduce it. So, I’ll keep monitoring this and try to reproduce it.

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Same issue here with the same build and same OS. It only works by right clicking on a preset and applying it to a new istance.