Change Times in Gimp

Can modified dates be changed in Gimp? I am not really concerned about changing them but why would they be there and then not?
Is there something in preferences that may have been changed?

Hmm… forgive my ignorance, but where are you seeing dates in GIMP?

Sorry Terry, When I browse for pictures. After clicking on File > Open
I just had a thought, so checked my files on my computer and can see the date/time there. I was sure it was in Gimp as well but maybe not. It has modified but they are all unknown

Those are set on the file(system) at the OS level, so among other things they’re subject to user security limitations. Offhand I’m not sure if Gimp is coded to edit them, but even if so it wouldn’t be the ideal tool for the job IMO.

Thanks for the reply Len. I wouldn’t touch gimp’s code. I have had a look at my OS settings and cannot even see where I could change them.

Can someone tell me if they were there at all in the past? (Modified dates or times) I am beginning to think I didn’t see them at all before in gimp and did just in my OS computers files

I wasn’t referring to any coding, just what GIMP can already do. I don’t know your OS, but changing them can typically be done either in a file manager or on the command line using the shell (or maybe PowerShell on Windows).

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It wouldn’t really make sense.

You’d change the date in GIMP, and when you saved the file, you OS would then apply that moment as the last-modified time.

Wait, I think most of us are talking about the file modification date/time as shown in listings, etc. That is not part of the picture: I don’t know if there is a modification date in the exif data?

One certainly can change the date/times in the OS. I have a script (linux) that, whilst primarly resizing, also changes the file date/time to the original date/time as shown in the exif data. I guess I use exiftool. I can dig that command out for you, but not now. Please excuse: past bedtime!

GIMP is showing you the time modified and this may be different to the time of capture in the camera. I know of no way to change what GIMP is showing here.

Thank you Terry for the Screen shot. I probably should have added one with my first post.
I do not want to change times or dates. Most of the picture I have I didn’t take so don’t need exif data. But even ones I did take and edited and new files I created in gimp all have modified unknown.

My initial question was
(Can modified dates be changed in Gimp? I am not really concerned about changing them but why would they be there and then not?
Is there something in preferences that may have been changed?)

I did a search on google and found someone else had the same problem in 2015. Didn’t find the cause but made a new user and that new user saw everything correctly.

This is the folder I use the most but it is happening over my whole system it seems.
BTW I’m sorry I didn’t post one of these sooner, I just got told how to do it.

FWIW I have many, many times on Windows seen modified and created times reported wrong, reversed, etc., by many tools, for years. It’s apparently something at the OS level. I’ve seen Windows Explorer itself often show modified dates as being before created dates. Huh?

Anyway, just making the point that it’s might not be GIMP doing it.

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