Changed the limit for color temperature, now white balance is wrong when using a camera profile

That basically explains everything. RawTherapee and darktable both assume a RGGB filter array. The “greens” are actually yellows, so the color is way off.
At the moment there is nothing that can be done about this, except to submit a sample to and file bug reports for camera support here and here. No guarantee that anything will happen with it any time soon though…

The embedded profile is properly used to decode the colors, but not to compute the color temperature. The color temperature is only an interpretation of the WB coeffs × color profiles. It’s really just a code path to add, the case has simply not been planned.

RYYB or RGGB is the same. First of all, none of them is what they say (there is no green, blue, red, yellow or whatever, it’s only arbitrary spectral slices), but then the mechanics are the same : multiply channels by wathever coefficients you have. If you have the right coeff for the right channel, you absolutely don’t care about what this channel is.

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I did not test, but one reason for this issue might be, that RawTherapee always uses the D65 matrix inside a DNG file (if available). Maybe for this kind of files it would be better to use the Standard light A matrix (which is available in this file btw.) ?

Is there a way I can test it myself?

Search for

         if( get2() != 17 ) // 17 is Standard light A

and replace it with

         if( get2() == 17 ) // 17 is Standard light A

I’ll give it a shot. Problem is that my own builds are all borked right now, so I need to figure that one out first.

So this changes something. Colors are different and Temerature/Tint are read out as 1706/0.173 rather than 1500/0.87. Very promising!

Now the only problem i am left with is that my own builds don’t work properly.

Stable build, downloaded online:
My own build of the latest data, no modifications:
Build with the modification as suggested above:

You can see that there is a weird purple tint on my own builds. Any ideas how to fix that? This is my first time building anything, so it might just be a silly rookie mistake. I build for Windows 64 bit, simply following the guide on RawPedia.

Did you build using gcc 10.1? That’s a known issue. Just downgrade to 9.3

Edit: for reference:

It works also with gcc-10 of you disable the optimization option from the quoted bug.
Compiling with fno-tree-loop-vectorize is fine

I know that, as it was me, who bisected the compiler flags to that point. Though I don’t think we want to disable this vectorization…


Sure, it’s just a quick fix for the OP in case he cannot roll back the gcc. I have the problem because i compile on Windows with msys2. Once gcc was updated, I could no longer rollback.

I’m on msys2 as well. Rollback is no problem on msys2

Interesting, it did not want to do it for me. Can you please share what procedure have you followed to rollback?

Sure, do you still have gcc 9.3 in /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ ?

ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/

yes, it is still there:

ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ | grep -i gcc-9.3

pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ mingw-w64-cross-gcc-9.3.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

Same for the other files, should revert it then

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No luck…


$ pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-libs-9.3.0-2-any.pkg.tar.xz
loading packages... 
warning: downgrading package mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-libs (10.1.0-2 => 9.3.0-2)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: installing mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-libs (9.3.0-2) breaks dependency 'mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc-libs=10.1.0-2' required by mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc

trying to remove first gcc I get:
$ pacman -R mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc
checking dependencies…
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc breaks dependency ‘mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc’ required by mingw-w64-x86_64-libunwind
:: removing mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc breaks dependency ‘mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc’ required by mingw-w64-x86_64-uasm

and it continues like this.

I guess I will stay with the removed optimization and gcc-10 for a while. I did not noticed any performance hits anyway.
The good part is that I can report when the problem no longer appears with gcc-10 :slight_smile:

by the way, sorry @MakeItColder for hijacking your thread :slight_smile:

You need to downgrade the

Package as well. Have a look for the filename in cache folder. It also took a while for me to solve all the conflicts.

@Daniel_Catalina I had the same issues. You need to force the downgrade of gcc and gcc-libs (and maybe some others that I forgot) by setting -d which skips the dependency checks.

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