IMG_2169.CR2 (30.3 MB)
IMG_2169.CR2.xmp (6.2 KB)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
IMG_2169.CR2 (30.3 MB)
IMG_2169.CR2.xmp (6.2 KB)
This file is licensed Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike.
@saliniero : Can you add the RAW to your post?
BTW: Welcome to pixls!
@Jade_NL I’m sorry, I’m new and I didn’t really know how it works
No deed to be sorry! We’ve all been there
BTW: If you are interested: pixls does come with a nice interactive tutorial (2 actually, basic and advanced) that shows you the ins-and-outs.
Click on @discobot, select message, put the following in the body
@discobot start tutorial
and send it to start (response might have a bit of a delay).
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help
I wanted to go with a vivid filmic look
IMG_2169.CR2.xmp (16.6 KB)
Channel mixer and filmic with euclidean rgb normalization
Also tried to simulate a vintage look, inspired by Kodakchrome 64 and Ektar looks:
IMG_2169.CR2.pp3 (12.8 KB)Edited with RawTherapee 5.8
@Sebastian, Way back in the day, with my Nikon FA, Kodachrome 64 and 25 were my favorite films.
I’ve done quite a few such images lately, ‘sun-through-the-trees’, and the elements in shadow just need a lift with a well-shaped tone curve. In rawproc:
I elected not to crop because, well, just because. For these images, I don’t bother with highlight reconstruction, I just scale to the minimum of the three channel maximums, which just blows the sun and its proximate illumination to smithereens.
The tool essential to this image is a filmic tone curve, which is shaped to lift the shadows while keeping the darkest parts dark, and is also steep in the mid-tones to put contrast in them.
5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Are wewe all FOSS, mostly FOSS, or something else?