[CLOSED] AMA. Collecting questions.

I am going to do an AMA (ask me anything) video, where I give you the chance to, quite literally, ask me anything.

If there was anything you wanted to know, about me, or anything else I might have thoughts on, or an opinion of, well now’s your chance. It doesn’t even have to necessarily be photography related.

I think this could be fun.

Write down your questions here via email me, or send them via a PM. Send me your questions, pretty much anything goes, within reason.

Once I have enough questions to make a video out of, I will.



What’s the airspeed velocity of an unladen…

Sorry… I guess that’s already been asked, albeit not answered.



What’s the difference between a fish?

Who are you, and how did you get in here?

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Funny guys… :neutral_face: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :smirk:


I was in a Teams meeting last week with all the ‘big bosses.’ When it came to Q and A, one of them said “Don’t be shy! Ask away! There are no stupid questions!” Well, that was like a red rag to a bull, so I asked “If there are nine pencils in a money tree, how many lions does it take to knit a pork chop?” I’m logging in later to see if I still have a job.

On a serious note, I’d be glad to help out. Defo interested in your past experience with vintage lenses, so I’ll give it some thought and post up a question or two here.


What’s on your bucket list of places or things that you would like to capture and experience as a photographer…


Here’s one that I’ve been wondering about recently - might not be applicable though.
IF you’re a musician of any kind, or even a keen listener, how much of the photographic creative process overlaps with creating music?

Sorry if it’s too vague or not relevant, but genuinely curious.

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I guess it might depend somewhat on whether one have synesthesia or not …

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Which piece of photography equipment do you regret purchasing the most and why?


If a subject spotted you taking a candid photo of them on the street and said “Hey! What are you doing?!” what would you say to them?


Thank you, really interesting questions. Keep 'em coming.

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Have you noticed any creative differences in your work since you switched to Fuji?


I guess since I posed a smark-aleck question earlier I should ask a legit one now… :slight_smile:

I don’t know if you do landscape photography, but if so how does your street photography inform your landscape approach? Is it still B&W?

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Have you had a period when you struggled to motivate yourself to take photos and what did you do to get yourself taking shots again? (You may have already covered this elsewhere)


That depends on whether its an African swallow or not

Held between the dorsal guiding feathers?

If you could go back in time, which historic event would you like to photograph the most?


If someone offered you a an all-expenses-paid trip to do street photography anywhere in the world, where would you choose to go and why?


Thanks for all your questions, serious and otherwise.

Any questions received from this point forward will be addressed in a second, yet te be decided upon video.


Looking forward to the video. Keep the great work coming! :heart:

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