[CLOSED] Code editor recommendation


I’m looking for a good code editor, similar to Sublime Text, preferably open source.

I’m adventuring in building a web app in RoR. I’m doing this locally and the app is being hosted on a ubuntu server virtual machine.

Also, it would be fantastic if the editor works either on Linux and Windows, because at work I’m on Windows.

EDIT: For now, I’m just using nano on Linux, when I’m at home, and Notepad+, when at work. I love nano but the indentation stuff is kind of hard to cope with.

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I use CodeBlocks, though it has some issues, for example it crashes on Chinese language files…

The one true answer is emacs.


I use Kate/Geany. Kate for gmic or c++ though I really need a c++ text editor.

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emacs, eight megabytes and constantly swapping :slight_smile:


Isn’t emacs for the brave? (I’m not brave…)

It’s for people with an extra pinky to type the shortcuts withouth getting handcramps :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

One free, open source editor that exists for Windows and Linux is Atom.

Kate (the editor in KDE) also has a Windows version. I only use the Linux version but I have grown addicted to the built-in terminal window.

These people also have 2^10 free brain cells to store all said shortcuts.


I’ve been using Emacs since the early '90s, so I’m used to it. I also use Vim a fair bit. Both are very powerful, but do have a bit of a learning curve (although I think the effort more than pays off with such powerful editors). Otherwise, I’ve occasionally played with Kate, which I think is worth a look.

Many like Microsoft’s Visual Studio, which was open-sourced a year or two ago. I’m biased by a long history of disliking MS for their open war with Open Source, specifically Linux, back in the Ballmer days. But I’m willing to accept that they may be actually trying to be better corporate citizens (although I think that’s mostly because cracks are beginning to show in their base, and they don’t have much choice but to adapt to some of the new Open Source tools and development models).

If you go the VSCode route, please use VSCodium instead. It’s the same functionality, but the VSCode binaries are not Open Source and those also disable MS’ telemetry.


Emacs does have a bit of a learning curve (and I learned it a long time ago), but I know that I can adapt it to whatever I need to do. Its super powerful for processing text.

I hardly remember and hotkeys, instead I just use helm and call the function name of whatever I need; the function names are pretty logical.

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Hello @gadolf

Since, as for your request, it should be similar to Sublime text editor I would give a try to the Atom text editor.
In the past it was quite often dismissed because it was considered slow (e.g when launching it the first time) but now it has much improved on this regard.

BTW, I work myself with Notepad++ and I have always come back to it after, for fun, I have tested a new text editor.
In the past I have tried Emacs too but for my personal case it was like driving a Ferrari when I only need a much less sophisticated car. Not my cup of tea that is :slight_smile:

I’m an acolyte in the cult of Vim.

It’s hard to get started with, but after the initial learning curve many folks are moving as fast as they are thinking. (The trick is to realize that actions in Vim are structured like language - move down 5 lines: 5j; or if editing HTML, change surrounding tag: cst, delete surrounding tag: dst; etc…).

I assume emacs has similar bindings, but I don’t need an entire operating system that has a text editor in it… :wink:

Honestly though, I consider learning a good editor my single greatest investment in computing overall. (I’m not much of an IDE guy, but I can see the allure).

I’ve heard good things about Atom as well as Brackets. Haven’t used them much personally, though.

Also, don’t forget the classic joke:

I’ve been a Vim user for over 20 years now. Mostly because I don’t know how to quit.


You think you don’t until you need a shell on windows, or a sane way to rename files, or a good file manager. I actually use more of emacs on windows (work computer) because I find the other tooling so lacking :slight_smile:

In the meantime I moved to neovim. My config is here.

And if you like to type vi-style (and you will after 0-1000 keystrokes of familiarisation), but are already married to emacs, you make emacs evil. Getting to know that my emacs usage has increased manifold - before it was a nuisance having to type in something like libreoffice writer, now it is torture. Whenever I need to do something involving typing outside of emacs/vim, I check if a vim extension exists (very often does, because a fellow vim-typer was force to use it before you and decided it would be more productive to first code such an extension than not being able to use the goodness).

I hope @gadolf knew when posting what he was getting himself into with this topic :slight_smile:

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Ever heard about the Thirtyfive Year War?


Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

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Thank you guys for the recommendations!

@Ofnuts and @Silvio_Grosso , I tried Atom, which is pretty but so slower… :zzz:

@Ofnuts, while looking for Kate I found out Geany, which seems to be Gnome’s equivalent, and it seems to fit my minimal needs for now: highlight keywords, auto indentation and code blocking is all I need.

As for emacs and vim, I feel I’m not prepared to them, mainly because I don’t have free memory available.

Besides scripting, which I do it often (and nano fits the needs), I’m new to PC programming. I’m from the old mainframe’s IBM TSO/ISPF programming school.

Once more, thanks to all!

As a side note, this is how you do social engineering to find out who are the developers in a forum :smiley:

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