Clouds with trees: my 1st time lapse

The one I’m looking at is the 24MP T7i / 800D which ML says porting has been started, and there are a number of commits for 800D in the source code, so that looks promising.

The only thing ML alters inside the camera is a boot flag to boot from SD. This can be undone in the ML installer. With a “reset to firmware defaults” the camera should be in a pristine state afterwards and ready to ship overseas.

I’m running the vintage ML 2.3 on this model and nightly build from 2017 on my 6D (note to myself: update!). No major problems so far, but I can understand your hesitation. It was a shocking moment, when the display stayed black after installation on the 6D. :sweat: After seconds I gladly realized this was due to the factory reset I performed to prepare for the installation. The 6D won’t show anything on screen by default. :sweat_smile:


Recently, I encountered the blank screen while trying an experimental version. I died inside :ghost: then revived :seedling: when I resolved the issue. :partying_face:

I digress. Hope to see more time lapses from people!

Wikipedia begs to differ.

In any case, a hyperlapse is a subset of a timelapse. :slight_smile:

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Smoothed this second timelapse with gmic -fade_files capture*.jpg,4,0,-1,1,outputB.jpg

Video generated with ffmpeg -framerate 60 -i output_%06d.jpg -vcodec libx264 -s 1280x720 -preset slow -crf 5 -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf drawtext="font=Regular:fontsize=15:fontfile=$HOME/Library/Fonts/PxPlus_IBM_VGA8.ttf:timecode='00\:00\:00\:00':rate=60:text='T\:':fontsize=36:fontcolor='white':boxcolor=0x000000AA:box=1:x=90-text_w/2:y=0" ~/Desktop/timeclouds3c.mkv

Click to enjoy the 720p60 quality:

BTW if you don’t know already, you click the little gear to access High Def video:

It’s not perfect, I converted from .cr2 with dcraw -h so there are many stuck pixels, and a few hiccups when I restarted the 100 shot batch; I didn’t realize my battery would last for three hours. Yes, I don’t have a ac/dc converter.


No more twitchy branches! :cactus:

The second timelapse was just preceded by a few moments of sunset colors. I used the following ffmpeg command to crossfade the two clips together:

ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/timelapses/timeclouds2b.mkv -i ~/Desktop/timelapses/timeclouds3c.mkv -an -filter_complex "[0:v]trim=start=0:end=4,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[firstclip];[1:v]trim=start=3:end=17,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[secondclip];[0:v]trim=start=4:end=6,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[fadeoutsrc]; [1:v]trim=start=0:end=3,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[fadeinsrc]; [fadeinsrc]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p, fade=t=in:st=0:d=1:alpha=1[fadein]; [fadeoutsrc]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p, fade=t=out:st=0:d=1:alpha=1[fadeout];  [fadein]fifo[fadeinfifo]; [fadeout]fifo[fadeoutfifo]; [fadeoutfifo][fadeinfifo]overlay[crossfade]; [firstclip][crossfade][secondclip]concat=n=3[output]" -map "[output]" -crf 5 ~/Desktop/timelapses/timeclouds2b3c.mkv

Audio is from a rudimentary pure-data patch:


Was totally expecting a fax tone. :fax:

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It was 8 cosine oscillators.

Next time include some feline foley.

Here’s a little explanation of the crossfade command.
ffmpeg -i ~/video/clipA.mkv \
^-- first clip 6 seconds
-i ~/video/clipB.mkv -an -filter_complex \
^-- second clip 17 seconds long
^-- clipA from 0s to (the end-2s)
^-- clibB from end of fadein to end of clip
[0:v]trim=start=4:end=6,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[fadeoutsrc]; \
^-- clipA fade out part / last 2s
^-- clibB fade in part 0s to 3s
[fadeinsrc]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p, fade=t=in:st=0:d=1:alpha=1[fadein];\
^-- generates the fadein
[fadeoutsrc]format=pix_fmts=yuva420p, fade=t=out:st=0:d=1:alpha=1[fadeout];\
^-- generates the fadeout
[fadein]fifo[fadeinfifo]; [fadeout]fifo[fadeoutfifo];\
^-- crossfade parts go thru buffers
^-- The video is crossfaded
[firstclip][crossfade][secondclip]concat=n=3[output]" -map "[output]"\
^-- three video streams combined to the output
-crf 5 ~/video/AplusB.mkv
^-- the output

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Here is a longer one with some audio "tom"foolery. Translated, it is my cat’s way of saying “what is this microphone, give me more food.”

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Nice! Were the clouds on the last framing moving fast when you shoot? What fps did you use when smoothing with gmic?

Thx! The last time-lapse @1:24 is very rapid cloud movement: a mixed/squall front preceding the much larger storm which has drenched us near Mt Hamilton with 6 seconds between exposures. Between each frame there are 4 fade inter-frames from gmic -fade_files capture*.jpg,4,0,-1,1,outputB.jpg . Then the video was created at 60fps in ffmpeg.

I forgot to mention the audio was copied to the video with ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/timelapses/567.mkv -i ~/Desktop/meows.wav -c copy -map 0:v -map 1:a ~/Desktop/567-a.mkv

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Humm… maybe I’m missing some math here.
I took 420 frames of a sunset and there were some low, near clouds that were moving fast.
I cross faded with 10 inter frames and stitch them togheter at 50 fps with ffmpeg, but there were still hicups on those clouds movement.
I’m now doing the cross fade again with 30 inter frames.
By your result, it seems that I’m overdoing it…
PS: I’m using the same syntax as you, both in gmic and ffmpeg.
PS2: Forgot to mention: the lapse between frames during capture was 10 seconds.

By my math, which is guesstimation, you want the result somewhat near displaying ~20 shots per second, with interframe fades. With a few fades in between shots, I used 4, I found I could get by simulating motion a little bit slower that is smoothed by the fades at a higher framerate. For longer distances like 10sec -morph_files might be worth a try also.

gmic -morph_files capture*.jpg,4,0.1,4,0,-1,1,output.jpg

Cheers for taking in all of the feedback including the feline foley. It is getting better with each iteration. I noticed some line artifacts about 30s in. I wonder what those are.

@afre Thx, do you mean the birds?

That could be it. The frame was too fast and blurry for me to discern.

I ended up using this

gmic -morph_files IMG*.JPG,13,0.5,4,0,-1,1,gmic/IMG.jpg

and it didn’t perform very well, strange distortions.

I’ll keep the crossfade version as the best one:

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Nice. I like how the buildings light up at the end.