Cloudy peaks, Valhalla Provincial Park, BC, Canada

Here is an image I took last summer from a roadside in British Columbia. I like its low dynamic range and its hazy qualities, but not sure if I could make a wall-worthy picture of it. I’m interested what people would do with a shot like this that has a lot of haze and very little colour. Although converting it to black and white is a nice option, I’m particularly interested in colour versions of it, because colour grading is something that doesn’t come easily to me, yet I love it when I see a photo that nails it. Have fun with it!

DSCF1910.RAF (24.8 MB)

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A quick play in GIMP.

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My version…

DSCF1910.RAF.xmp (12.0 KB)


Nice view and difficult to process to maintain that green color of the forest.

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I tried to play on the greens and blues while keeping it hazy :

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This is too hard for me. The photo is very interesting, but I didn’t manage to get something out of it.
Nevertheless, this is how I spent my time on it.

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Tough one to edit. I tried a gloomy, smokey look. Valhalla PP is a gem of a park here in BC

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I haven’t even properly explored it yet and I live quite near to it. But there again, I lived in Victoria for 5 years, where you are, and I barely scratched the surface of that beautiful island. It’s those dang kids needing raising and taking up all my time :slight_smile:

Added some drama to the clouds

DSCF1910_RT-3.jpg.out.pp3 (18.5 KB)

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Challenging picture, I enjoyed playing around with it :mountain: :sun_behind_large_cloud:

My fun in GIMP