Cloudy sunset landscapes Darktable/Nikon D5100

From Kamloops British Columbia Canada. This part of BC can get some crazy weather patterns for mix of cloud and sun photos.

Shot with a borrowed NikonD5100/11-24mm after all my Olympus Gear was stolen.

These are HDR 3 2ev brackets merged and edited in DT.


I like all of them, but especially the first one.

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Like them too. Would be nice to know a bit more about shooting and processing details.

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Shooting: driving and running around looking like an idiot to catch the light as its going down

The D5100 only does 3 shot brackets. So -2ev 0 +2ev For the most part that’s enough when there’s still some light left. I used matrix metering and used a tripod with a 2 second timer.

Editing wise, not sure I can explain, Just push and move sliders till I got what I wanted lol. Here’s the xmp file for the first one.

DSC_0037-hdr.dng.xmp (45.9 KB)


I’m running out of good words to express my enthusiasm… :clap:
Some of these landscapes look a bit like the landscapes round here in SE NSW Australia.

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I’d imagine with the heat there during the day and the cooling off at night like in Kamloops during non winter months it can create some awesome weather conditions. The city is in a valley so weather systems seem to circle around it and since they are small in area you’ll get 3/4 of the city in sunshine whole anther part can be raining.

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We certainly do get a big temperature range, and it’s also an interesting area, because the Monaro (this region) is kind of sandwiched between the Snowy Mountains, which go up to 2,228 meters at Mt Kosciusko, and the South Coast… and there’s quite a few smaller ranges and stuff squeezed in. Lots of variety.
Kamloops does sound interesting! I’ll look it up on a map later.
I’ve just downloaded your .xmp file and applied it to a random file. Sorry if this has been asked before, but what module does the HDR merging? It’s not something I’ve ever looked into.

Sorry, answered it myself - it’s a button in lighttable I think. I remember some discussion about the alternative, a lua script for enfuse or something.
Starting to consider using a tripod more often… :wink:

If you’re in lighttable view select the images you want merged and just hit the Create HDR button. It actually could be used to make multiple shot image for creative editing, not just HDR. Only thing is it wont align the images if there’s some slight movement from the camera.

Yah i always use a tripod for landscape although if its windy you have to accept the fact that you’ll get motion blur from subjects.


Thank you for explaining. So how did you merge the 3 bracketed .nef files - in DT or some other program?

In dt - in lighttable view, selct the images, then click this button.
It will create a .dng file.
I’ve never used it, but intend to try it.