Here’s the end of the logfile for darktable in live use with that collection, up to the crash. There the last bit seems to be about an earlier picture, DSCF8874.RAF. So I guess darktable stumbles on that image?:
88,504583 [add_job] 21 | 88,504679 load image 7312 mip 3 | queue: 1 | priority: 088,504714
88,504743 [add_job] found job already in scheduled: 88,504761 load image 7312 mip 3 | queue: 1 | priority: 488,504805
88,548952 [avif_open] failed to parse `/home/mbelow/Bilder/darktable/20230411_Sambesi/DSCF8874.RAF': BMFF parsing failed
88,555039 [lighttable] expose took 0,0000 sec
88,556138 [add_job] 21 | 88,556201 load image 7312 mip 3 | queue: 1 | priority: 088,556230
88,556259 [add_job] found job already in scheduled: 88,556283 load image 7312 mip 3 | queue: 1 | priority: 488,556309
[dev_pixelpipe] module `Weißabgleich' min: (-0,006059) max: (1,972398) [thumbnail]
88,582356 [pixelpipe_cache_get] thumbnail CHG highlights, line 1, age 2, was rawprepare, 407->8483885MB
88,582876 [process CPU] thumbnail highlights. IN ( 0/ 0) 6252x4164 scale=1,00. OUT (1491309/1491309) -1491308x-1491308 scale=1,00, final 1440x1440, backbuf 0x0
88,582998 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,000 secs (0,000 CPU) [thumbnail] processed `Spitzlicht-Rekonstruktion' on CPU, blended on CPU
[dev_pixelpipe] module `Spitzlicht-Rekonstruktion' min: (340282346638528859811704183484516925440,000000) max: (0,000000) [thumbnail]
88,583079 [process CPU] thumbnail demosaic. IN (1491309/1491309) -1491308x-1491308 scale=1,00. OUT ( -1/ -1) 1x 1 scale=-0,00, final 1440x1440, backbuf 0x0
88,583134 [dev_pixelpipe] took 0,000 secs (0,000 CPU) [thumbnail] processed `Entrastern' on CPU, blended on CPU
[dev_pixelpipe] module `Entrastern' min: (0,081250; 0,000000; 0,000000) max: (0,081250; 0,069857; 0,066262) [thumbnail]
88,583198 [process TILE] thumbnail ashift. IN ( -1/ -1) 1x 1 scale=-0,00. OUT ( 0/ 0) 1440x1440 scale=-0,00, final 1440x1440, backbuf 0x0
88,583223 [default_process_tiling_roi] [thumbnail] **** tiling module 'ashift' for image input size 1x1 --> 1440x1440
88,583246 [default_process_tiling_roi] [thumbnail] (1x1) tiles with max dimensions 1440x1440, good 1441x1441, overlap 5->5
88,583279 [default_process_tiling_roi] [thumbnail] process tile (0,0) size 1x1 at origin [-1,-1]