Color balance question

@Aleph Before answering your question, please refer to Format your code to make it more readable and here.

exiftool is an excellent way to see the metadata of your camera or at least that which the camera decides to reveal. Different raw processors heed different portions of this info. It may also give us a hint on what is baked into the JPEG (or the RAW), if you know what you are looking for.

Regarding your question, you might be interested, for example, in the WB multipliers, the black / white points and the temperature presets of the camera. One thing that can be seen right away is that your camera’s auto WB wanted to be even warmer than your manual temp but sunlight is a bit less. Looks like the flash may have influenced the colors as well.

Another thing to note is the differences in k between camera presets. DPP would correspond to this but RT clearly has another interpretation. You could probably draw some graphs to compare if you really wanted to, but it might be hard to compare since DPP does more stuff to influence the default output than RT. Photography is just a hobby for me, so I might be wrong on a bunch of things, but hope this helped just a bit :slight_smile:.