Color calibration for dummies (without the maths)

I am not sure I can quite agree with this.
For simplicity - I am going to ignore the math. Reason - I can’t even pretend to understand it - so commenting on it is not possible for me. So - I will stick to what I can see.

I agree - the best that we can do is calibrate. If we don’t we are leaving it at the mercy of the default profile and the manufacturer’s settings.

I don’t understand why.

The following is not processed (except the default enabled profiles). The only difference is

  • left - calibration with color checker and left with “as shot in camera”

  • right - no modifications done - no color checker used but left again with “as shot in camera”

It is completely debatable what is better - left or right but the point that I am trying to make is that they are different.

What @s7habo shows is a creative use for the colors. The camera calibration is just a tool - a starting point. It is never meant to replace the creativity.

There was an interesting discussion with examples here

And specifically the challenge that @s7habo had to deal with - specifically big amount of pictures.

I am often facing a similar challenge. Big amount of pictures (family photos) and I am trying to process them with minimum amount of masking. If I must use some - I try to stick with parametric only.

This is where the “universal” profile comes to play. I find it helpful to have a bit better starting point and then build on it. Sometimes I build more because I like the picture that I am working on and other times I build less - when the picture is more of a good memory but not necessarily something that has significance in somebody else’s eyes except myself and my family.

Finally - can we go without the color checker - yes - most of us have done it for years.

Should we ignore it / not consider it etc.? It depends on the case and on the photographer. I wouldn’t “ignore” it but there are times where I would consider it more than others. Frankly - it is a newer addition for me so me exposure to it is limited. Probably I wouldn’t have bought it except it was on sale.

Is the experience better with it? I think so, I hope so. Ask me again in a few years :slight_smile:

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