Introducing "primaries" feature for sigmoid

I recently had a photo assignment where my task was to document one union campaign photographically. The union members were all wearing different safety vests.

While editing photos, I realized that the orange vests were very difficult to process with sigmiod options alone.

Here is an example. At first I had to underexpose the shots a lot because orange vests threatened to break the gamut limit:

When increasing the exposure with exposure module and increasing the contrast in sigmoid, the orange vest went right over the gamut. Note that the green-yellow vest, for example, remained within the gamut:

Increasing the attenuation of the red primary did help but with very strong desaturation as a result:

One option to counteract this was to reduce the brightness of the highlights, but the contrasts in this area were greatly reduced as a result:

The best solution was to reduce the brightness of the red channel with the help of an additional instance of the color calibration module:

The question that arises for me is, would it make sense to have the reduction of the brightness of the individual primary colors in addition to attenuation and rotation for such cases, or should the brightness - as in this example - be regulated with a color calibration module?

What do you think @flannelhead ?

Here is the raw file for testing purposes:
Creative Commons, By-Attribution, Share-Alike

_DSC0602.NEF (90,5 MB)