Color correcting photographs from the 1970s?

I have digital scans of a number of photographs taken during the 1970s. By the time the scans were made, the usual color shift had already begun: blue and green faded, and lots of reddish brown in shadow areas. Two questions:

1-I use GIMP and RawTherapee. Is there a specific color profile or set of instructions for these kinds of software to color correct my 70s photos?

2-For situations where there is no blue or green remaining to be salvaged, what are some of the better options for salvaging 70s photos?

I sometimes have incredible success restoring faded colors using just auto levels in GIMP. I also have good results on occasions using the color calibration module in Darktable. I don’t use Rawtherapee much, but I am sure that it would have some similar options to neutralize color balance. Can you share one of your images where you feel there is no green or blue left?

Here is one from my mother’s family, which is mostly missing green…

Yep, this ones defeating me so far. It would be interesting seeing what others could do with it. What scanner are you using. Sometimes the color fade options can help during the scanning, but probably not with this one.

This image was scanned so long ago that I don’t even remember.

I suspect that some of the companies that do restoration are using talented photo technicians to colorize. Maybe I should just wait until “AI” can handle this type of problem.

AI can already fix these problems, but the only services I am aware of cost money and with lots of images the cost could soon add up. Even B/W images can be colorized.

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Edit: Second try.

Still some things to be improved, but there is potential.

test.jpeg.xmp (10.3 KB)


codeformer face restoration with chaiNNer , white balance with levels, channel mixer and color balance with GIMP:


Wow, that came out very good. I’m impressed! I’m going to Google those items you mentioned!

Plus, I already have accounts on Github and HuggingFace.

I will highly recommend the chaiNNer This is free software node based image processing tool with which you can use especially many open AI algorithms to refine the photos:

With it I used the face restoration. Everything else I did with GIMP.


Boris, Done! I’ve downloaded that, plus added four related links so I can read up on these innovations. It’s very exciting.

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What I did with GIMP:

White balance with levels. I assumed the man on the bottom right has the gray shirt.:

Then I used Channel Mixer to “reconstruct” the missing green:

Then I played a bit with color balance:

Then lightened the photo with curves:

And desaturated the red with Hue-Saturation:


Of those four, the one I have not used is the Channel Mixer.
It can do something I was not aware of, going on what you have shown me here!

I have a GIMP plug-in, This is the result without any further adjustment.

The plug-in, should you wish to try it. It is a one-click operation. (2.6 KB)


Wow, had never heard of this before.

@s7habo already posted the link in a reply - thanks! That looks REALLY useful, especially (potentially) for a bunch of old negatives I need to digitize and restore.

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GIMP_CC-Despecle-GMIC Denoise

GIMP_CC-Despecle_ BW_UnBlur


You can remove the background and play along

The face restoration might be a little too motivated. I don’t think that the person on the left was unshaven/had a beard. The ear is also weird.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-06-19 19-56-48

Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-06-19 19-56-04


Indeed, I shall!