I am working on a filmy looking preset and it ends up giving me issues such as seen above.
I managed to trace it back to the fact that I was tweaking the colour chanels and had a bunch of negative values.
is there any way to avoid this happening?
PP3: S7_00133.ARW.pp3 (14.3 KB)
RAW: S7_00133.ARW (47.0 MB)
When switching off the channel mixer you got 100% red and about 50% green and 50% blue values there.
Now in the channel mixer your G and B channels are lowered by a significant amount, using the red channel values. On that particular part, since R channel is 100% it will lower those values the most. In this case down to 0%, leaving only a saturated red patch (R100 G0 B0).
I guess you can only avoid this by dialing it back a little or compensate by boosting the G and B channels somehow.
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I have done some work on it and came up with a similar edit without negative values.
pp3: S7_00133-3.jpg.out.pp3 (14.3 KB)
Anyone have a better solution to avoid 0% pixels?