Color label forced when setting rating

Pretty much explained in the title. I’m on digikam 8.4.0 (in Manjaro KDE, installed from ‘extra’ repo)
For instance, if I set a rating of 1, a purple label is automatically assigned, with a rating of 2 a blue label is set, etc.

I’ve been using digikam (in this setup with Manjaro) for a long time (not so much in the last few months, actually, so I’m not able to clearly pinpoint when this bug popped out).

It doesn’t happen 100% of times. Sometimes it doesn’t. But quite consistently it happens most of the time I set any rating. Confirmed both on raw files (Canon CR2) and JPGs.

I’m on Manjaro, with KDE Plasma 6.0.5:

██████████████████  ████████    bill@yoda
██████████████████  ████████    ---------
██████████████████  ████████    OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64
██████████████████  ████████    Kernel: Linux 6.6.47-1-MANJARO
████████            ████████    Uptime: 4 hours, 37 mins
████████  ████████  ████████    Packages: 1899 (pacman)[stable], 8 (flatpak)
████████  ████████  ████████    Shell: zsh 5.9
████████  ████████  ████████    Display (DELL U3423WE): 3440x1440 @ 60 Hz in 34″ [External]
████████  ████████  ████████    DE: KDE Plasma 6.0.5
████████  ████████  ████████    WM: KWin (X11)
████████  ████████  ████████    WM Theme: Breeze
████████  ████████  ████████    Theme: Breeze (BreathLight) [Qt], Breeze [GTK2/3]
████████  ████████  ████████    Icons: breeze [Qt], breeze [GTK2/3/4]
████████  ████████  ████████    Font: Noto Sans (10pt) [Qt], Noto Sans (10pt) [GTK2/3/4]
                                Cursor: breeze (24px)
                                Terminal: konsole 24.5.2
                                Terminal Font: MesloLGS Nerd Font (10pt)
                                CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X3D (32) @ 5.76 GHz
                                GPU 1: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT [Discrete]
                                GPU 2: AMD Raphael [Integrated]
                                Memory: 6.86 GiB / 61.95 GiB (11%)
                                Swap: Disabled
                                Disk (/): 57.90 GiB / 119.21 GiB (49%) - btrfs
                                Disk (/data/BIG): 1.60 TiB / 2.69 TiB (59%) - ext4
                                Disk (/data/FLUFFY): 199.09 GiB / 232.14 GiB (86%) - fuseblk
                                Disk (/data/SPEEDY): 165.40 GiB / 228.89 GiB (72%) - ext4
                                Disk (/home): 216.92 GiB / 476.83 GiB (45%) - btrfs
                                Local IP (eno1):
                                Locale: en_GB.UTF-8

Further details about digikam:

❯ pamac info digikam
Name                  : digikam
Version               : 8.4.0-1
Description           : An advanced digital photo management application
URL                   :
Licences              : GPL-2.0-or-later
Repository            : extra
Installed Size        : 111.6 MB
Groups                : --
Depends On            : akonadi-contacts exiv2 expat ffmpeg gcc-libs glib2 glibc imagemagick jasper kcalendarcore kcompletion kconfig kconfigwidgets kcontacts kcoreaddons kfilemetadata ki18n kiconthemes kio knotifications
                        knotifyconfig kservice kwidgetsaddons kxmlgui lcms2 lensfun libglvnd libgphoto2 libheif libjpeg-turbo libjxl libksane libpng libtiff libx11 libxml2 libxslt opencv perl perl-image-exiftool qt6-base
                        qt6-multimedia qt6-networkauth qt6-scxml qt6-svg qt6-webengine sh solid sonnet threadweaver x265 zlib
Optional Dependencies : darktable: RAW import [Installed]
                        hugin: panorama tool [Installed]
                        qt6-imageformats: support for additional image formats (WEBP, TIFF)
                        rawtherapee: RAW import [Installed]
Required By           : --
Optional For          : --
Provides              : --
Replaces              : --
Conflicts With        : --
Packager              : Antonio Rojas <>
Build Date            : Sat 13 Jul 2024 22:59:49 CEST
Install Date          : Mon 19 Aug 2024 22:01:43 CEST
Install Reason        : Explicitly installed
Validated By          : Signature
Backup files          : --

Seems also related to this topic but that thread didn’t go anywhere.

This is a known issue. Don’t remember exactly, but it was something about fixing a bug, and then not being able to automatically fix the wrong settings that it left behind. The fix is to go into settings, click “Load Profile” on this screen and select either “digikam.dkamp” or “darktable.dkamp”.

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Thanks a lot :wink:

Not exactly knowing what this loaded profile does, is there the risk that it reverts some custom settings about metadata that have been changed?
Or any other risk in general?

If it’s a known issue, does anyone have some reference to read about it? I couldn’t find much around (kinda nothing in some 15 mins searching…) except this other thread here, linked above :point_up_2:

That’s why the user has to do it manually. But if you never changed anything here, I don’t think there should be a problem.

I found it on either the digiKam bugtracker or mailing list. Don’t remember. @dkdeveloper ?

Read from comment 7: