Color Masks in Gimp

What versions are supported? I have the most recent developerer version.

Can’t change to levin-matting in 2.9 It’s grayed out

I have the exact same issue.

For anyone on Windows, samj’s portable compile works with both matting options.

I pinged the GIMP dev who is making the official installer. I’ll report back once I know more. I suppose that it’s just an oversight.

Edit: The answer was that it was just forgotten indeed. The next release will have it fixed.

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Thanks to everyone that helped me! I really apprecite it!

I’m using the flatpak for GIMP 2.10.6 and the Matte Engine drop-down menu is grayed out. Could it be that the flatpak is missing a library ?

Most likely the flatpak is missing that library. If you’re enterprising, diff the version from gimp’s repo with the version from the flathub repo. They were supposedly the same… If they’re still the same, file a bug with the gimp project. If they’re different, the issue is probably with flathub’s version

GEGL needs to be compiled with umfpack support for matting-levin to work.

Thanks. I’ve been trying to build GEGL from the Gitlab repository but I encounter this issue.

Well, that issue is self-explanatory [if you have encountered it before :slight_smile: ]

On Linux MInt 19 Tara: Menu | Administration | Synaptic Package Manager → Settings | Repositories. Under Source code, tick box to Enable source code repositories.

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

I’ve succesfully built GEGL. However, building GIMP from source is ridiculously daunting. Many dependencies I’ve installed and built from source are not detected when running $ ./configure.
I’m giving up on this.
Besides, I don’t think I have to do this. If the flatpak doesn’t have the Levin engine, then it’s missing the library. No need to check if it works with a GIMP built from source to prove that.

The AppImage now has the correct libraries!


I can’t find an appimage on Is it an official one?

You can get it here: Releases · aferrero2707/gimp-appimage · GitHub


Thanks, but which one is it ?
I’ve tried the 2.10.6 release but the issue is still there. I also tried 2.10.7 but it doesn’t open. works for me.

Make sure you chmod a+x GIMP_AppImage-git-2.10.7-withplugins-20180913-x86_64.AppImage

Yep, that’s the one I tried. I get this:
/tmp/.mount_GIMP_AAEQxle/usr/bin/gimp.bin: fatal error: Segmentation fault

Which distro and verison?

Sorry I forgot to reply.
Linux Mint 19 but anyway the latest appimage fixed the issue