Color Picker shows values above 255

What would cause this to happen? Clipping indicator values are above 255 in the Color Picker.

if you’re in scene referred part of the pipeline then you‘re in an unbounded range.
Your camera can produce 12-14 bit depth output - so in the scene referred part of the pipeline there’s no need to press that in 8 bit.
That’s the job of the tonemapper (filmic, sigmoid, basecurve) later in the pixelpipe


The values you see are also a function of your histogram profile…if you have that on rec2020 you wont get the standard 0-255 values that you see in many tutorials from other software… if you set that to srgb you will… I leave mine on rec2020 to match my working profile. I try to keep things in check there and then let the output profile do its thing for export… The display profile can also impact these depending on any luts or components it might have… the only way to check is to set your display, working, and histogram all to linear rec2020…your image won’t look right on screen but if you toggle the display profile back to the one you normally use and the color picker values change then its something to be aware of esp if it makes a big difference… it means possibly that your display driver due to where DT has it in the pipeline can impact gamut and clipping readings… I think its less of a problem now but it still can be…

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