Color Toning in Wavelet Levels

I’m helping to translate (English to Japanese) RawPedia and am currently working on the description of Wavelet Levels. Here, I have a question about Color Toning Module in Wavelet Levels. Is the caption in the top center of the example image (tone adjustment) correct?

I think “yellow halos have been generated where they were previously blue” should be “blue halos have been generated where they were previously yellow”.

Or I am misunderstanding.


Maybe a comparison crop will clarify what happens:


I’ve gone crazy with saturation in Gimp so you can clearly see the «before» blue haloing (a pale cyan halo), and «after» yellow haloing (this one is clearly visible even without pushing saturation).

Perhaps in a future the examples will change so the problem can be seen more easily.

I see.
Thank you for your quick response.

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