Colors in output jpg differ from preview

I am editing this image of mine in darktable 3.6.0

and was surprised that these highlightish yellows look different in the preview than they do in my exported jpg:

  • output color profile is set to sRGB
  • export settings are:

Mh … weird, so I consulted the manual which mentions the option to switch on the slower LittleCMS 2 engine in preferences > processing.

After switching on LittleCMS 2, the output is closer to what I see in the live preview,

but a difference remains.

Am I missing something? Is there anything I can switch on to make the previewed colors match those in my exported jpg? Export profile and output intent are image-specific settings, so I would expext them to be reflected by the preview.

What program are you using to view the jpegs? Is it color managed and is the color management configured correctly?

It is IrfanView which, unlike many other image viewers, renders colors identical to Adobe Bridge and Photoshop.
(My monitor is calibrated with DisplayCAL and that somehow seems to confuse many image viewers)

Yeah, all the programs you use to view images on a particular computer need to use the same display profile.

What if you just view the exports back in DT …do they look off in that case

yes IrfanView uses the display profile.

Stupid me, I didn’t turn on softproofing in darktable.

jpg produced through LittleCMS 2 (Dartktable in the background)

Your display profile could be off too. Maybe do three or four calibrations and see if your getting consistent results…???

I certainly need to recalibrate. It’s on my list for tomorrow.

Still, without LittleCMS 2 the softproofing does not represent what I see in the output jpg:

I guess it just makes sense to use LittleCMS 2 then.

I always have as I wanted to experiment with using relative and perceptual gamut mapping and I thought but could be wrong that you needed it enable to have these take effect…

You need a LUT input profile for the perceptual rendering intent. You don’t need SSF data or a large-patch-count target shot; with dcamprof you can make one with a matrix but the command line isn’t trivial…