ColorSpace Question

I have an image that was sent to me for processing, it is apparently RAW. Why is it opening with strange colors?
DSC_5671.NEF (23.3 MB)
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Looks good to me. :person_shrugging:

Even though very brownish at first due to the white balance settings of the cam. Can easily be fixed by dialing down the temperature slider.

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Colors look okay for me.

DSC_5671.NEF.xmp (8.6 KB)

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The raw-black/p creates some sort of problem that is a bit strange. What is causing that?

The colours opened really warm and sepia like on my DTv4.7. When I checked for WB as set in the camera that seem to suggest the fault lay there because it was 8083 Kelvin. Colors then look fine if I set to a region of the image.


@davidvj, which version (of daktable, I believe)? I discovered a bug affecting default white balance in darktable master that has since been corrected. I mentioned it here.

Not sure exactly which version. I am keeping fairly current with the daily git version.
I am traveling right now but will run some tests in the next days to see if I still face the same problem.
Thanks for the response

Thank you for the response Martin. I am now back on my main system with the latest updates. The problem appears to have ‘gone away’, so I must suppose that I saw in an earlier version has been discovered and fixed.

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