Colour and exp discr; Mac: diff jpg and RT view -- why? [Solved]

@marter, haze removal not switched on unfortunately.

Did you try RTv2_sRGB also?

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No I didn’t, would that matter especially as v5.8 has no trouble matching the output to the editor using v4? I suppose it could be given a shot when I go back to v5.9 - leave no stone unturned! Thanks @marter.

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@GlassHalfFull If you want to make another test using RT 5.9, set the enclosed icc file as your Output Profile:diff5.8.icc (8.3 KB)

Thanks @Claes. Uninstalled v5.8 and reinstalled v5.9. Here’s the output, unfortunately v5.9 is still not behaving.

First up your output profile with camera profile, all else default.

Then I tried your output profile with the standard camera input profile.

In desperation yesterday, I had also tried forcing exif values in the file exported from RT v5.9 - to no avail.

exiftool -q -q “-ColorSpace=sRGB” RT.jpg -overwrite_original
exiftool -q -q “-DeviceModelDesc=IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB” RT.jpg -overwrite_original
exiftool -q -q “-ColorSpaceData=sRGB” RT.jpg -overwrite_original
exiftool -q -q “-DeviceModel=sRGB” RT.jpg -overwrite_original
exiftool -q -q “-ProfileDescription=sRGB IEC61966-2.1” RT.jpg -overwrite_original

I even took the profile from a file generated via LR and patched it into the RT file. No dice.
exiftool -icc_profile -b /Volumes/stuff/Pictures/OUT/X10012149_F5.6_1-1300s_ISO200_PROVIA_35-LR.jpg > profile.icc
exiftool “-icc_profile<=profile.icc” RT.jpg

Ran out of ideas now.

Thanks @marter. No luck here either.

Std camera input profile with RTv2_sRGB output profile.

Morning, @GlassHalfFull!

Some information is hidden behind an overlay
in your screenshots. What settings do you have
on the bottom line?

There is a difference which acts on all the colorimetry. Maybe this is it?

  • In RT 5.8 Observer is at 2°.
  • In RT 5.9 Observer is at 10°.

This can bring according to the Raw files and according to “Color Matrix” a slight tendency to green.


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Morning, @Claes! I’m not sure which part of the screen that snippet refers to. My RT5.9 bottom line looks like below from in the editor (I’m on macOS!). How do I check what you’re asking about?

Thanks @jdc. Not sure what I can do with that info. - any actionable thing I can do based on it?

Unfortunately, you cannot.
That possibility does not seem to exist on a McThing.

Yippee!!! The problem seems to have disappeared in the last nightly!
Thank you all for your help, especially @Claes for troubleshooting in the dark! :pray:



Finally, sincere and heartfelt thanks to the devs for bringing in great new features which I had a quick glimpse of in the latest build! Exciting times ahead! :smiling_face:

@Claes, would you be kind enough to mark the thread as ‘Solved’ if that is the norm? I can’t edit the title for whatever reason. Many thanks!

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Done! Be happy! :slight_smile:

Sorry, missed this as I had no internet until yesterday.

I don’t use RTv4-anything. I just download and copy the correctly named icc profiles sRGB profiles into the profiles folder that RT uses.
sRGB_v4_ICC_preference.icc (59.5 KB)
sRGB2014.icc (3.0 KB)

If you watch Raw Therapee Viewers Request - DO THIS FIRST to speed up your Raw Therapee Workflow - YouTube you’ll see what I’m on about.

There are folk on this forum who dislike this operation, but honestly, as a commercial image producer, this process causes me zero problems.

When you export an image that’s tagged with an RTv4 (or v2) colour space, bugger all else can understand it.

RTv4sRGB supposedly maps colours the same as sRGB_v4_ICC_preference.icc, but what ever you view your output images in - say Chrome or Firefox - is expecting a profile instruction header starting sRGB, not RTv4…it’s the RT bit that causes the problem.

There was never any need for this ‘profile renaming’ in RT, and it doesn’t occur in DarkTable.

Anyway, give it a try with the two sRGB profiles I’ve attached, and see if it still causes you a problem.

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Thanks @Andy_Astbury1. I did see most of your videos and they were very helpful.
I also copied the files you attached but for some reason can only see the sRGB2014.icc in my output list. I’m still investigating.

Just use that, it’s the one I’d use instead f Rtv4_sRGB

Please tell me how to fix it ! same problem XD

Hi how to solve this issue on Mac. I use RT 5.9 on MacBook
Pro M1 and find the color saturation change between preview and export jpg same as this like you .Could you please tell me how to solve it?

Hi, @zhang_chenlin, somehow the problem went away when I tried the latest dev build. The current dev build also works fine.
All the best.