Kept it darker to emphasize the warmth of the colourful lights and its reflections and keep the overall atmosphere/mood. Increasing the lightness/exposure makes it easily too harsh/cold in my opinion. Mood vs reality…
Thank you for the nice picture @ilia3101!
Here is my version with darktable.
A lot of colors going on, I wasn’t sure how to make them work together in a pleasing way.
I didn’t use any module with local algorithms. I tend to stick to only global changes as much as possible. Most of the times, clarity/local contrast looks too artificial to my eyes.
I dialed in the contrast with filmic and fine tuned with a tone curve. Then some color editing using color balance rgb and color zones.
Actually the little amount of bloom might be considered a local module, but wasn’t used to change the contrast.
I am quite curious about your experimental raw developer. I followed your play raw entries and love the way it manages the highlight and crushes the clipped regions. Also the colors are consistently pleasing. Do you use luts?
didn’t use any module with local algorithms. I tend to stick to only global changes as much as possible. Most of the times, clarity/local contrast looks too artificial to my eyes.
It’s hard to use that stuff naturally. But all the new smartphones (iPhone, pixel, Samsung) have so much local processing and it can look natural (consdiering how strong it is), so I think better algorithms are possible.
Actually the little amount of bloom might be considered a local module
It’s simulating a physical effect, so it’s quite natural (in my opinion).
I am quite curious about your experimental raw developer. I followed your play raw entries and love the way it manages the highlight and crushes the clipped regions. Also the colors are consistently pleasing. Do you use luts?
The whole thing is based on compressing lighter values using a curve (lowering saturation using Jzazbz and reducing brightness with linear exposure). I’m using variations of the reinhard curve.
It’s quite similar to darktable’s filmic I think.
Inspired by your edit, made it warmer/less saturated, and then brighter.
Very simple processing in Photoflow - just white balance (area reading off the streetlamp at the top centre - comes out close to 3300K), then scene referred data converted for display using a look transform + OpenDRT (which I have baked into an ICC profile).
If you are writing image processing software, OpenDRT is well worth investigating.
Troy Sobotka shared this on twitter a few days ago. It’s an incredibly good piece of writing, taught me so much about the current state of colour transforms.