Colours washed out from Pixel 7 DNG

Hi @agriggio

I have taken some RAWs on my Google Pixel 7 phone. Occasionally in Art they look fine in the thumbnails but when opened they are a bit desaturated. I use the auto-matched curve profile. This pair (sorry for the terrible holiday selfie) are very washed out. Is there a way to match the thumbnail for colour saturation and balance?

DNG attached below.

PXL_20230624_175145993.dng (8.7 MB)

Many thanks


Hello, that photo doesn’t look good in ART, so confirmed.

However, when you set the Tone curve to Luminance mode, the photo looks already a bit better. Add to that a bit of Saturation (the graph under Tone curve 2) and set White point to 3.2 (or something) and you’ll end up with the following.


Just fine-tune for your DNGs and save as a profile, use that profile to open your Pixel 7 shots.

Or wait until @agriggio comes with a patch. :grinning:


Hit it with the dehaze module…that will bring the punch back to the colors…it’s strong and has an auto setting in RT… I think you might have to dial it in with ART I can’t recall… should totally recover the washed out bit…

Here is with log tone mapping auto setting instead of the tone curve and dehaze and local contrast… 3 edits… not maybe great but might be closer to your expectations…

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Maybe a bit crazy, but I used saturation to increase saturation.


Apart from that: I have a Pixel 6 Pro and have similar experience like you. You can try the Adobe DCP and their base- & lookup table stuff, but I must say since the colors I get from the Pixel raws are so terrible I haven’t really messed around with it.


Barry also be sure that you always use your gainmap with cell phone DNG… its enabled by default in DT for supported phones… in ART you use the Flat field correction and use embedded…it relights the image and removes the strong vignette that cell phones have…


I forgot to add this for the image I posted…


the embedded profile desaturates a lot. Using the DCP profile from Adobe (which has a specific one for both the front and the rear camera) improves things considerably, bringing the situation (wrt. saturation) back to normal.
The second problem is in the auto-matched curve. I never managed to get good results with it for pixel phones. This is not really surprising, as pixels in their HDR+ mode do a lot more than a simple tone curve. I would simply use a fixed S-shaped curve for pixels, and try to apply other settings as needed. If you really want to match the preview, here’s one way (for this photo). You do need the “right” Adobe DCP profile though (called “Google Pixel 7 Front Camera Adobe Standard.dcp”)


I can never quite replicate the dehaze in art that I get in RT…

Then with the gain map enabled

PXL_20230624_175145993_RT.jpg.out.pp3 (14.5 KB)
PXL_20230624_175145993_RTGain.jpg.out.pp3 (14.5 KB)

Sheesh :scream:, I was not aware of this. This fixes the hell out of my Pixel 6 RAW rendition, especially with the standard rear camera.




Thanks for the suggestions everyone :slight_smile: Of course I had tried fiddling with saturation (a lot), and generally managed to match the thumbnail, it was just the slightly random occurence of the issue that threw me. Usually Art gets it right, once in about 20 it goes off the map.

Thanks @agriggio for the pointer to the .DCP which nails it. I’ll just stick with my usual home brew variation of “auto-matched curve” and if the image seems to be taken through a 20% saturation filter, I’ll pull in the DCP and carry on as usual.

Also, thanks @priort for the heads up on vignetting. Good tip.

Of course this resolution doesn’t make me any prettier. There’s only so much even Art can do.

BTW I’ve just updated the “camera standard” profile for the Pixel 7, so the situation should improve for the next version of ART out of the box

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That’s great, thanks Alberto.

Me neither, but an excellent point. Without the flat field, my Pixel 4a DNGs are virtually useless. They look like a really bad film emulation. :slight_smile: With it, not bad but not as good as my DSLR.

[ later ] Yeah, just a small crop of a quick snap but this is better that I was previously able to get from my phone:

While once looking at a raw, my thoughts were literally “No vignette correction in the lens profile. Ok, you could correct that with a white frame, but why bother, the colors are useless.” I did not expect this result. :point_up:

At least on my pixel 3a… in DT a good dose of chroma and saturation. Local contrast and diffuse and sharpen instance and they are not bad… I find that the processing Google does at least in my generation of phone to faces is often terrible with massive artifacts and in the raw you don’t seem to have that so you can often save a photo… My only gripe is that if you zoom since its a computational raw you get a really small and useless DNG. I only use the raw files if I don’t zoom. My old Lumia phone has better DNG… and they are full sensor even if I zoomed in …

Do not combine AMTC with any camera that performs local tonemapping - which is pretty much every mobile phone.

Use “standard film curve” instead. You will not be matching the JPEG tonemapping automatically with any known method.

Interesting, tvm. Will experiment tomorrow.

Does that apply to phone raw files or just to phone jpgs? Does the raw file not contain the non-HDR version of the scene?

AMTC only works when the raw image has an embedded JPEG that it can attempt to match. Attempting this match when the “target” has had local tonemapping applied WILL fail.