Compiling locallab-branch?

I’m trying to checkout and compile the locallab-branch, but probably due to my git-incompetence it’s a no-go.
What I did:

me@localhost ~/rawtherapee $ git checkout origin/locallab
M       tools/benchmarkRT
HEAD is now at 2e7c0d2... Improvment algorithm for chroma
me@localhost ~/rawtherapee $ git pull
You are not currently on a branch.
Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
See git-pull(1) for details.
git pull <remote> <branch>

And then I don’t understand what to do :slight_smile: I thought the “git checkout” should be enough?
Any hints would be welcome!


Hi @mks9900
will tell you all you need to know :slight_smile:
Good luck!

Have you tried

git fetch
git checkout locallab



git clone rtlocallab
cd rtlocallab
git checkout locallab

I will add that git pull is short for git fetch and git merge. Usually this is fine if you made no changes and just want to get the latest code, but in your case there is a local change because you got this:
Please specify which branch you want to merge with

So the easiest solution is to delete your repo (git reset --hard HEAD would probably clean your repo up so you wouldn’t need to clone again, but in the unlikely event that it would not, cloning again saves you and us the problem of investigating what you changed), clone again, and checkout the locallab branch, as described above.

Hi all, thanks for the quick responses! :slight_smile:
Doing it the “Ingo-way” solved it, and I think @Morgan_Hardwood provided an explanation of why things failed when I tried to checkout. I’ll keep this in mind the next time I fancy a new branch!

Thank you all again, and good luck with the new release!