Compiling Natron yourself using the docker SDK

Hi, i’d like to make the topic wider.
How do you edit Natron code ? What IDE do you use ? ( Eclipse, Visual Studio, QTCReator ?)

For a newbie like me it may be easier to copy someone else’s configuration rather than bothering the others with questions.


IDE depends on what you prefer, I myself prefer to use QtCreator for most projects, especially for Qt based projects (like Natron). VSCode is also nice (not a IDE, but a good generic code editor)

I’m sorry to ask stupid questions. Never used docker before. It seems like it compiled sucessfully with the commands above. But I don’t know how to launch it.
Can someone help? Links helping to understand are also much appreciated.

you should find a Natron snapshot in the ‘builds‘ directory

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@devernay May I ask if you can hot-reload Natron using the docker-provided SDK? As currently this is only possible by building from sources manually (using qmake and make).

I don’t understand what “hot-reload” means.

Never mind, I found you can’t. What I had meant by “hot-reload” is like a live development server for web development, where you can open localhost and see that changes live as you made them in your text editor. I thought you could do the same for Natron, but it seems not.