Compiling Natron yourself using the docker SDK

After installing docker, it’s as easy as:

mkdir builds
docker run -it --rm --mount src="$(pwd)/builds",target=/home/builds_archive,type=bind natrongithub/natron-sdk:latest

and the results are in a directory called builds

The docker image is available from the docker hub Docker Hub

The builds can be easily customized, for example to use you own git repo for Natron:

mkdir builds
docker run -it --rm --mount src="$(pwd)/builds",target=/home/builds_archive,type=bind --env GIT_URL= --env GIT_BRANCH=mybranch natrongithub/natron-sdk:latest

If you want to make a custom docker image based on anything else than centos6, just modify the base image in the Dockerfile generated by this build script:


Thanks! I was able to make it run and produce a valid tgz installation yesterday.

I am just trying to re-run it and it got stuck forever in a test :

Loading project: /home/tmp/Natron-Tests64/GNUVolador/gnu.ntp
(‘encoder=’, u’fr.inria.openfx.WriteOIIO’)
(‘ocioInputSpace=’, u’linear/Linear’)
(‘ocioOutputSpace=’, u’sRGB’)
script_write_node ==> Rendering started
script_write_node ==> Frame: 1, Progress: 11.1%, 0.7 Fps, Time Remaining: 11 seconds

I will retry running the docker build again but I would like to know if some test are known for being unstable?


Yes, this test gets stuck when I run it too (but the test script kills it after 30mn).
This may be due to the limited number of chores available in docker.
The Baymax test also fails but I did not have time to look into that.
Once you have Natron installed on a real machine you can also rerun the tests from the repo Natron-Tests. Does the gnuvolador pass? Does Baymax pass?

I started 4 build of different commit version since 3 days ago to see if this was a recent problem.

1 out of those 4 build didn’t get stuck and I got :
2019-08-01 20:30:50 *** END unit tests → 0
Unit tests: OK

The 3 other build are stuck at Baymax : two in Natron2_BayMaxProject_20_fixed_switched.ntp and one in /home/tmp/Natron-Tests64/BayMax/Natron2_BayMaxProject_20_fixed.ntp

Since one of those stuck build is the same git commit I was able to build 2 day ago I guess there is something unstable. I will try to run the test individually if I get some time to see if I can reproduce the problem outside of docker

Running the Natron2_BayMaxProject_20_fixed.ntp in GUI with my docker build or the 2.3.15 rc6 I got 2 issues:

There is a lots of warning when loading the project :

[17:12:19.864] Project: WARNING: The node LensDistortion (net.sf.openfx.LensDistortion) version 2.0 was found in the script but was loaded with version 4.0 instead.
[17:12:20.416] Premult1: Could not find a parameter named Source_channels
[17:12:20.417] Shufflecopy1: Could not find a parameter named outputChannelsChoice

The video is not right (I saw only the top of the attic and it is warped).

I am able to get the playback to get stuck. It play some frame and at some point it just stop and I can’t stop start the playback again. It is like if the play button didn’t work.

If I use the official Natron 2.3.14 I didn’t get any of those issue.

I make sure to delete all Natron caches before trying different version
rm ~/.cache/INRIA/Natron/* -rf

NOTE : I was sometime able to get the playback to stop responding on my own test project when using other build than the 2.3.14 but was not able to find a good way to reproduce it reliably. Seems this project is big enough to cause the problem to show more

I tried building older version of Natron using the docker but was not able to go very far back in time because of build issue.

Is there a place where some portable intermediary build between version 2.3.14 and version 2.3.15rc6 could be found? I could try to see between which version the problem with BayMax appear.

The project file from works fine on latest snapshot available on GitHub. Must be something wrong with the ‘ntp’ in the Tests?

Natron (and or plugins) should be fixed to load Natron2_BayMaxProject_20_fixed.ntp

This reveals several issues which have to be fixed without changing the ntp file


These warnings also appear in 2.3.14:


[10:35:35.450] Premult2: Could not find a parameter named Source_channels

[10:35:35.451] Premult1: Could not find a parameter named Source_channels

[10:35:35.451] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputChannelsChoice

[10:35:35.451] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputRChoice

[10:35:35.451] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputGChoice

[10:35:35.451] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputBChoice

[10:35:35.451] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputAChoice

[10:35:35.453] Shufflecopy1: Could not find a parameter named outputChannelsChoice

[10:35:35.453] Shufflecopy1: Could not find a parameter named outputRChoice

[10:35:35.453] Shufflecopy1: Could not find a parameter named outputGChoice

[10:35:35.453] Shufflecopy1: Could not find a parameter named outputBChoice

[10:35:35.453] Shufflecopy1: Could not find a parameter named outputAChoice

[10:35:35.892] Reset_Alpha_to_1: Could not find a parameter named outputChannelsChoice

[10:35:35.892] Reset_Alpha_to_1: Could not find a parameter named outputRChoice

[10:35:35.892] Reset_Alpha_to_1: Could not find a parameter named outputGChoice

[10:35:35.892] Reset_Alpha_to_1: Could not find a parameter named outputBChoice

[10:35:35.892] Reset_Alpha_to_1: Could not find a parameter named outputAChoice

[10:35:35.892] WriteOIIO1: Could not find a parameter named clipToProject

[10:35:35.892] WriteOIIO1: Could not find a parameter named outputChannelsChoice

[10:35:35.892] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputChannelsChoice

[10:35:35.892] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputRChoice

[10:35:35.892] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputGChoice

[10:35:35.892] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputBChoice

[10:35:35.892] Shuffle1: Could not find a parameter named outputAChoice

[10:35:35.893] LensDistortion: Could not find a parameter named k3

[10:35:35.893] LensDistortion: Could not find a parameter named p1

[10:35:35.893] LensDistortion: Could not find a parameter named p2

[10:35:35.893] Shuffle_CopyAlpha: Could not find a parameter named outputChannelsChoice

[10:35:35.893] Shuffle_CopyAlpha: Could not find a parameter named outputRChoice

[10:35:35.893] Shuffle_CopyAlpha: Could not find a parameter named outputGChoice

[10:35:35.893] Shuffle_CopyAlpha: Could not find a parameter named outputBChoice

[10:35:35.893] Shuffle_CopyAlpha: Could not find a parameter named outputAChoice

Here’s how to debug the issue:

  • load the ntp using 2.3.14 and 2.3.15 side-by-side, preferably not on the same system (use tow PCSs or VMs)
  • inspect each node output using the viewer, until you find where the two diverge.

I don’t see the warning in 2.3.14 on a centos 7 pc.
Thanks for the tips. I will post an update once I can confirm some of the things. So far I think there is 2 separate issues. If so, I will open bug report for each.

You can see the warnings in ing the error log (Display->Show Project Error Log)
You can also use the environment variable NATRON_DISK_CACHE_PATH to get two versions of Natron running simultaneously but using different disk caches (it was not documented, I’ll add a section in the doc on environment variables)

Ok thanks. I was able to compare the warning and found there is a new one. I open a bug for this issue : LensDistortion issue in Natron 2.3.15rc6 · Issue #416 · NatronGitHub/Natron · GitHub
I open issue Random freeze when rendering · Issue #417 · NatronGitHub/Natron · GitHub for the freeze rendering issue.

I will try to build intermediate version of Natron (from 2.3.14 to 2.3.15rc6) with a normal build and see if I can find the problematic commit. (assuming I can build easily older version of Natron)

The major change is when I fixed the the Python Gil handling

While trying to fix an issue I am trying to build a complete tgz from my own repo of Natron and branch and got some error :

docker run -it --rm --mount src="$(pwd)/builds",target=/home/builds_archive,type=bind --env GIT_URL= --env GIT_BRANCH=rotopaint natrongithub/natron-sdk:latest

./ line 306: GIT_NATRON: unbound variable

I tried adding a

but got error:
Unknown plug-in repository URL

I also forked all the plug-in in case and tried adding other options like GIT_URL_OPENFX_IO , etc but I still get the Unknown plug-in repository error…

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Thanks @rodlie !

So here is the updated way with docker

to use you own git repo for Natron:

mkdir builds
docker run -it --rm --mount src="$(pwd)/builds",target=/home/builds_archive,type=bind --env GIT_NATRON= --env GIT_URL= --env GIT_BRANCH=mybranch natrongithub/natron-sdk:latest /bin/bash


Fixed in tools/jenkins: GIT_URL_IS_NATRON=1 can be used to launch a Natron bui… · NatronGitHub/Natron@a8cc6be · GitHub

If GIT_URL is an unknown Natron repository, GIT_URL_IS_NATRON=1 can be used to force a Natron build.

Could you please give a short example on how to solve the: Unknown plug-in repository URL

Trying to compile a custom build with:

sudo docker run -it --rm --mount src="$(pwd)/builds",target=/home/builds_archive,type=bind --env GIT_NATRON= --env GIT_URL= --env GIT_BRANCH=#439 natrongithub/natron-sdk:latest /bin/bash

Where would I add the GIT_URL_IS_NATRON=1 command?

Add GIT_URL_IS_NATRON=1 together with the other env’s on the first line and remove the sed … line. That should work(?), note that I’m not a big docker user.

Thanks, using this command started the compiler (splidje build, will not compile):

sudo docker run -it --rm --mount src="$(pwd)/builds",target=/home/builds_archive,type=bind --env GIT_URL_IS_NATRON=1 --env GIT_URL= --env GIT_BRANCH=#439 natrongithub/natron-sdk:latest

or rodlie build:

sudo docker run -it --rm --mount src=“$(pwd)/builds”,target=/home/builds_archive,type=bind --env GIT_URL_IS_NATRON=1 --env GIT_URL=GitHub - rodlie/Natron: Experimental Natron Repository --env GIT_BRANCH=SetDefaultProjectFormat natrongithub/natron-sdk:latest