Cool shout out to Rawtherapee given in a Verge video, targeting new photographers

Obviously us technically inclined photographers will disagree with some of her advice, and there are much better resources for making decisions like this, but looks like the presenter did a solid plug for Rawtherapee to new photographers who cannot afford Lightroom.


That is a nice shout out, but I wish when the mention these things they’d mention more than just its free. There is more to it than that.

Also… if you want a camera, go to the store, hold the camera, and choose the one that feels best in your hand.

Like I said, advice on cameras wasn’t the best, the target demographic is below us. I personally did not need the advice in the video, I just wanted to post to celebrate awareness to programs like RT.

The video gotn 67k views, odds are at least some one discovered RT as a result.

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Fantastic find, thank you for sharing @Waveluke! For others, if you want to jump right to the plug, it’s at 7:03: