Hi all,
I stumbled on a strange behavior of dt. I am trying to move images from Lightroom to dt. I export them from Lightroom as “originals”, which basically copies the original raw file (e.g. myphoto.nef) into the chosen export directory and adds an XMP file (e.g., myphoto.xmp).
Now, if in dt I just use “Import/Add to library”, all the compatible development settings and the tags from lightroom are imported in dt (but more on the tags later). However, if I use “Import/Copy and import”, neither the development settings nor the tags get imported. Is this the intended behavior, or simply a bug? I tend to think the latter…
By the way, I am using dt 4 on a mac (binary from the website).
As a second issue, in every xmp file exported from lightroom, tags are encoded in three separate ways (follows example):
<rdf:li>Chinese lantern</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>Emilia Romagna</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>Natural Phenomenon</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>Chinese lantern</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>Emilia Romagna</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>Natural Phenomenon</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>WHAT|Natural Phenomenon|weather|fog</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>WHAT|Object|Chinese lantern</rdf:li>
<rdf:li>WHERE|Europe|Italy|Emilia Romagna|Modena|Bagnese</rdf:li>
I am only interested in importing the last (hierarchical) version of the tags (“hierarchicalSubject”), but dt (when it does) imports both the hierarchical and the flat versions, creating a huge mess in the tag database. Is there a way to tell darktable to import only the hierarchical version? Alternatively, has anybody already devised a script that can go through a directory of xmp files and strip away the non-hierarchical xmp bits?
Finally, I would like to post a humble request for introducing a way to delete multiple tags at once in darktable. Everytime I managed to import some tags and the hierarchies get flattened, I find in the tags list dozens (if not hundreds) of duplicate tags and it is really cumbersome to delete them one by one by selecting them with a mouse right-click and choosing the appropriate option.
thank you in advance for your attention and any help