Create lens calibration data for lensfun

There is no such thing as “a new one”. Note that I speak of fast prime lenses >400mm
And since I have to work for that stuff my time is limited and thus I ask before contributing useless stuff to any project, in this case lens fun.

Thanks, done that.

Another question: Is there any need to do vignetting calibration for APS-C cameras if the same lens is available calibrated on a full frame body?
Or is this calculated inside lens-fun?
(Nikon uses the same mount on both formats, so lenses are compatible).

And another one:

I get:

$ source .venv/bin/activate
bash: .venv/bin/activate: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

and indeed the subfolder /activate isn’t there.
Simply create?
I’m unsure because I’d assume that this - if necessary - would have been done by

python3 -m venv .venv

one step earlier(?)
When I do so I get

$ source .venv/bin/activate
bash: source: .venv/bin/activate: ist ein Verzeichnis.


FF lens on a APS-C sensor should be kinda almost free of vignetting?

That’s what I assume, but does lensfun cut out the correction data for that reduced “inner frame”? Or does it shrink the data proportionally (which I do not assume, but just to be sure)? Then a second set of data would be necessary.

any advice on this?

Do Canon IS lenses save the offset of the optical axis in the EXIF tag? Otherwise I don’t understand vignetting corrections or are the offsets so small to be neglected?

Perhaps 0x4015 Inside the Canon RAW format version 2, understanding .CR2 file format and files produced by Canon EOS Digital Camera

How would I best calibrate a drone/fpv video camera? I have a Quelima SQ13 – it has no manual controls, no display, no interchangeable lenses.

The same way you’d calibrate any other lens.

Can it take pictures? Then take some suitable test shots and upload the raw files to the calibration service:

Hmm, while it has a photo mode, the main problem is that it doesn’t have a screen – there’s no foolproof way to get good pictures. My plan was to take video, a slow rotation motion, and then use a screenshot of that where the lines align correctly.

Also, it doesn’t take RAW ofc, only fullhd video/photo. (It seems to support 3MP Photo, but my guess is that that’s just a software upscale).

(It would be fine for me to just have distortion corrected, although TCA might be possible)

How would one design a device in a relatively small package, perhaps using mirrors and a test chart to take TCA and distortion images with any lens indoors? I’d like to get that required distance for the infinity focus in a small physical space and the required lens coverage with a relatively small test chart .

Also what would be the perfect setup for taking vignetting test shots indoors? The perfect diffuser and a perfect light source?

Unfortunately, despite giving all permissions, neither Firefox 78.6.0esr nor Google Chrome 88.0.4324.96 under Gentoo Linux 5.4.80 display the sample pictures in the Figures above. Once I can see them, I my be able to help calibrating a lens or two.

OK, I can see the pictures at the following WEB-page:
Maybe someone can check why it doesn’t work here.

Hi folks.

At the end of the month I will have my new camera system, and none of the lenses are in the database, I’m willing to do every step to add them in the database.
The only point are the picture for «distortion», I’m living in the country near a forest. So parking, new building don’t exist. And in Covid time it’s not so easy to find a place with this kind of building.
So in the description they are no point saying (like chromatic aberration) if they are a minimal distance.
My question are, can I print a piece of paper, print a grid on it, stick on a windows and take a shot of it ?
Does that going to do the job ?
It’s seem to me that’s should be more simple, and more precise than a parking (if you look how some people work in construction…)

I think you need to be at least 8m away for CA and distortion correction.

Ok. Because It’s not indicated for the distortion. Only for the CA.
But Thanks.

I will try to find something.


Unless you can print a really long piece of paper, I don’t think its a workable solution.

Well…when I say «print», it’s not exactly the right term, I was thinking about buy some wallpaper roll, it’s not hard to find some in very low price if you don’t need anything special.