creating sun stars with GIMP or so


so I have this lens, the M.Zuiko 9-18, which cannot create proper sun stars. Apparently not even star cross / cross screen filters work with it properly, although, resolution and distortion-wise this is actually a good lens.
So I was wondering how it is possible to simulate this effect with the help of image editing. So far I came up with this: draw a star with the paths tool in GIMP, fill the star with pure white and blur the star. However, I am not satisfied with this solution. There results with the Topaz Star Plugin for Photoshop or Affinity are better, in my opinion, although, they not are as good as the optical filter or sun stars resulting form stopping down the lens. I also tried the motion blur method, not good.
Do you happen to know a better method?

Thanks in advance

Hi @betazoid,

You can read this tread here:

I made a video on how to do this with gradient flare filters in GIMP (Filters - Light and Shadow - Gradient flare):

In Selector tab of the filter you can choose distant sun preset and edit it according to your taste.

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Thanks, that looks interesting, though not quite easy!

Or, you can use one of these ready made Solar Flare brushes for Gimp…

Solar Flares.7z (260.1 KB)