*Adding* natural-looking flare

I got a question from someone asking “how do I make natural-looking flares in GIMP like in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p6javeTzvk , the GIMP tutorials I’ve found are just about geeky sci-fi flares”. I agree if they were showing https://docs.gimp.org/en/plug-in-flarefx.html.

The stuff in the video looks quite simple, but the closest thing I can find to their “Plastic Wrap” is Supernova (using 0 spokes), where the edges are too sharp so it doesn’t look very good. Anyone know of a better way?

Not sure. I don’t tend to add flares personally, but it seems like we should be able to produce a similar shape with a filter. @Ofnuts might know of a neat approach.

Of course, we can also bring a bigger hammer and bug @David_Tschumperle if we know exactly what type of parameters we want to replicate. Do you have any good examples of other flares that we can extrapolate what a “family” of flares should look like?

That flare in the video shouldn’t be difficult to replicate. It isn’t very sophisticated after all but flares do come in all shapes and sizes and depend on many things. Random thoughts:

  • Draw a soft circle and try different G’MIC blurring filters like radial and angular on it
  • Try using other G’MIC filters like light rays.
  • Use (custom) paint brush to refine the overall aesthetic.

Combine various effects, taking advantage of the blend modes and opacity of layers and channel masks.

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Hi @Unhammer,

I made quick video tutorial for custom Flares in GIMP. Problem is, I’m using German Version of GIMP 2.9.5. and I don’t know English translation of the tool. I hope you will still understand the procedure. If not, it would be nice if someone could translate that.

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Here is an older script. Maybe it runs on newer GIMP versions with some syntax adjustments:

(define (plasti-wrap inimage indraw radius nocopy)

(gimp-image-undo-group-start inimage)



          (flush-copy (car(gimp-layer-copy indraw 1)))

          (second-copy (car(gimp-layer-copy indraw 1)))


(gimp-image-add-layer inimage flush-copy -1)

(gimp-image-add-layer inimage second-copy -1)

(gimp-desaturate flush-copy)

(gimp-desaturate second-copy)

(gimp-invert second-copy)

(plug-in-neon 1 inimage  flush-copy radius 0)

(plug-in-neon 1 inimage  second-copy radius 0)

(gimp-layer-set-mode second-copy 4)



          (merge(car(gimp-image-merge-down inimage second-copy 2)))


(let* (

(copy(car(gimp-layer-copy merge 1)))


(gimp-image-add-layer inimage copy -1)

(gimp-layer-set-mode copy 15)



          (merge2(car(gimp-image-merge-down inimage copy 2)))

          (layerCopy 1)


(gimp-invert merge2)

(gimp-layer-set-mode merge2 4)

(while (< layerCopy nocopy)

(let* (

     (copy (car(gimp-layer-copy merge2 1)))


(gimp-image-add-layer inimage copy -1)

(set! layerCopy (+ layerCopy 1))



(gimp-image-undo-group-end inimage)






(script-fu-register      "plasti-wrap"

               "<Image>/Filters/Light and Shadow/plasti-wrap..."

               "This Filter attempts to do the same as the pastic wrap PS Filter (taken from tutorial at 



               "Karl Ward"

               "Karl Ward"

               "SEPT 2007"

               "Licence GPL -http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt"

               SF-IMAGE      "SF-IMAGE" 0

               SF-DRAWABLE   "SF-DRAWABLE" 0

               SF-ADJUSTMENT "Neon Radius (10 recommended)" '(10 1 100 1 2 0 1)

               SF-ADJUSTMENT "final layer Copy" '(1 1 10 1 2 0 1)

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Well, the good thing about the one in the video was that it was so understated ( https://www.google.no/search?tbs=imgo%3A1&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=subtle+lens+flare+portrait&oq=subtle+lens+flare+portrait has some similar ones though).

And thanks @ everybody for the good answers, will have to try them all out :slight_smile:

Has anyone updated Karl’s Plastic Wrap to work with GIMP 2.10x? Not a programmer. The current Script-fu just returns a black background. :slight_smile:

Rich updated the script-fu so now it works with GIMP 2.10. The result is a bit more powerful than it use to be but you can still adjust the default settings. Details below. :slight_smile:

Anyone know the fix with either Kward's or Fencepost's ..... - Page 2 • GIMP Chat

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You can also do this easily enough in Gimp with Filters > Lights and Shadows > Lighting Effects.