Crop settings for FujiFilm X-T4

At the moment that’s all you can get with current RT. I just tried to get more rows. It works in my test, but I have to change some code…

Hi all,

I am a bit puzzled here…
exiftool reports exactly the same Image sizes for X-T4 as for X-T3, viz.

Raw Image Full Size : 6384x4182
Raw Image Cropped Size : 6240x4160
Image Size : 6240x4160

So why does not the X-T3 settings work, size-wise?

Have fun!
Claes in Lund, Sweden

Because of this:

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I will make a commit later today which allows to get 6252 x 4176 (if border is set to zero instead of 7) pixels for X-T4 files…



Thank you for your help! and @Claes in reference to your original post - that was why I got this model. I’m a film Leica person with mainly vintage-ish glass (nothing especially fancy). I needed a camera to make some high-quality video recordings of musical performance (due to the pandemic) and this seemed like a decent compromise to use my existing lenses.


I love my X-T4 and was also puzzled by the vertical black band on the right side in RawTherapee. I don’t also have an X-T3, so I don’t know if it shows up with that model as well. Both cameras use the exact same sensor. I just figured it would be fixed in an upcoming release and that looks to be the case.

Hello, I own a Fujifilm X-S10 and I seem to have a similar problem: images have a vertical black border of about ~20-30 pixels (on horizontal photos) or horizontal black border (on vertical photos).

Is there a fix or setting I can change in the config for this? Or do I have to wait for the next release of RT?

Thanks for your help!

Same Border Problem with my Fuji X-S10
Otherwise, Rawtherapee is really exceptional. Thanks to all developers!

That’s fixed in nightly builds.

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Thanks for the fix!
Is there an AppImage build of the nightly build?

Awesome, thanks a lot :+1:

(Fuji X-s10 RAF file, latest windows10)

Thanks for the fix. With nightly build dev_5.8-2713-g036257859_20210109
border has gone, but A small problem remains: resulting .jpg size becomes 6235x4160 instead of 6240x4160.
I could not correct this with the crop settings (width limits to 6235)

I get 6238 x 4162 for a X-S10 file when raw border is set to the default of 7 and 6252 x 4176 with raw border set to 0

I also get displayed 6238 x 4162 in RT when loading a new RAF file.
But there seems to be some instability or rounding errors: By playing around with width and height you get different ratios (different limits when incr/decr, but never 6240x4160).
With ‘lock ratio’ off, it is possible to set 6240x4160 (left=0) , but resulting jpeg becomes 6240 x 4164.

On there was a report on X-E4 also showing the black border on the right side :upside_down_face:

Adding it to camconst.json manually helps!

Thanks for mentioning! I’ve just added basic support for the X-E4 to the development version of RT: Initial support for Fujifilm X-E4 in camconst.json · Beep6581/RawTherapee@ca5a9a2 · GitHub


You guys are fast :muscle:

but shouldn’t it be
“raw_crop”: [ 0, 5, 6252, 4176],
like X-T3 and X-Pro3?

You are right that the height ought to be larger. Converting the RAF to DNG gives my a 6240x4160 pixel file. I am unable to get that to work by using camconst.json alone, so there is something going on while decoding…

Edit: Fujifilm X-E4 raw is cropped too much · Issue #6180 · Beep6581/RawTherapee · GitHub issue created

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